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Spread LOVE Like WildFire 🔥

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Información sobre Spread LOVE Like WildFire 🔥

John 3:16: "For GOD so loved the Earth, He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever BELIEVES in HIM, should not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE!!!"Jesus did not teach religion, HE taught us how to LOVE. We need to start seeing one another through the eyes of the Creator, we are ALL made in HIS IMAGE. Love and Unity are the keys to CHANGING THIS WORLD. This channel is about Jesus' sacrifice of Love for us all, that through HIS BLOOD and our FAITH in GOD, by GRACE, we will be Saved. IT IS the GIFT OF GOD. Jesus did not come for the righteous, but the meek and brokenhearted. The poor and the needy. He commanded us to take care of these people and society has failed His request. Our Veterans suffer PTSD and suicidal rates that are astonishing. We need to take care of our soldiers who fight for our Freedom! We need to Unite as ONE and stand up to the corruption of governments, E-mail me at [email protected] WE MUST UNITE NOW!!🙏🔥❤️🔥🙏 find me on Facebook, John Roland!

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