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The Escape Room

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The Escape Roomの説明

This channel was created with one thing in mind: to give people an out let from the stress and strain of everyday life, and the issues that we are confronting today. At the time of this channel being created, the world is in the grasp of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have racial strife, problems with police brutality, and this is about a month before the 2020 election, with all the problems associated with that.
Well, my goal here, is not to be political, or radical, or anything like that. When people feel that they want a BREAK from those issues, I want them to come here, to be entertained, to laugh, to be amazed, to hang out and talk, through comments, in other words, ESCAPE. I truly hope all that visit
will find this page a welcome oasis from the daily chaos that is life in America today.

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