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Revlis Lovett (Alias) Kid Sivle

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Revlis Lovett (Alias) Kid Sivleの説明

In a land of freedom, rights unbound,
They came knocking, without a sound.
Jehovah's Witnesses, I was one,
Seeking truth beneath the sun.

But I found my way to a different path,
Antifederalist dreams, I grasp.
In a world of control, I stood alone,
Wanting peace in a place of my own.

Leave me the hell alone, I cried,
In the face of those who pried.
Bill of Rights, my shield, my tone,
In my heart, freedom’s throne.

Targeted for my beliefs, I stand,
Against the tyranny of the land.
Fighting for what’s just and true,
In a sea of red, white, and blue.

Disclosure would like to clarify that I am not a lawyer and do not provide legal advice. Additionally, I do not align with or support the Flat Earth theory or any related beliefs. I do not identify as a globalist and consider myself an Antifederalist.

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