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Craft Soup

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Craft Soupの説明

Hello, my friends!

Crafting doesn't have to be extravagant to be eye-catching. You don't have to be a professional to make some truly amazing things. If you have a few basic tools and use 4 easy design principles, you'll be able to create some incredible projects that look awesome. Sometimes, less is more!

By watching my channel, you'll see examples of my crafty projects and tutorials on how to create them. The tutorials will:

** show you the tools and supplies you need for a project;
** take you through the steps to create the project;
** provide tips and tricks on how to make the project better or faster; and
** show you how to use technology to create or enhance the project.

My channel specializes in paper crafts, but I occasionally use other media, too. My goal is to help you develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to create some amazing things!

I hope you'll subscribe to my channel and become part of my community of crafting friends.


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