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Uncommon Tongan

3 購読者を
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Uncommon Tonganの説明

Q. What is uncommon?
A. You are. Even though the world has over 7.6 billion people in it, you are the only one in this entire world who has had your experiences, your family, your friends, your memories, your thoughts and your dreams. Be proud to be you.

I am recording a series on my journey through meeting people and learning about their lives, experiences, ups and downs, and perspectives on life. We’ll look at what makes us different but also what makes us more similar than we realised.
I’m going to document people’s stories and my progression, starting from day one, so I imagine videos will be rough but they will all be genuine.

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results - what are you doing differently? If we want things to change than the best place to start is with ourselves. I have started down this path and I invite you to do the same - not for me but for yourself.

Contact me at [email protected]

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