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Gina Beana & Tootsie

1,330 subscribers

About Gina Beana & Tootsie

Hello I am Gina Beana my story started long ago when I lost my infant son (Anthony) I lost myself for many years. I struggle with Depression. I had lost my the last Cat (a family of 4) I said I would never get another kitten due to the great heartbreak. I went almost a year or so and then I was contacted about a kitten that needed a home she was abandoned in a barn not far from my Niece's home only 4 weeks old. I was torn... I never had a kitten so young I could not refuse. A Tiny Black Cat that fit in the palm of my hand I instantly fell in luv... took her home bottle feed her until she bit the nipple off her bottle I taught her to pee and poop introduced her to kitty litter found the best food for her I named her Tootsie as she would roll on her back after eating like a Tootsie Roll...... I often wonder who Rescued who???
I wanted to start a Youtube Channel to show you all the Fun things a Cat can do for you if you suffer with Depression and How she helps me get thru everyday..

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