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On a Mission to Make Accessibility Accessible!

Hi Everyone!
I'm Liz, a developer, designer, accessibility advocate, wheelchair user, hEDS zebra, technical content creator, knitter, and cat mom. I'm the new and first ever TorontoJS Accessibility Organizer (Team Lead).
Follow me on LinkedIn for weekly Web Accessibility Wednesdays posts!

So, I've finally given in to everyone telling me I should do YouTube. Expect random shorts and maybe some long form videos about navigating life as an ambulatory wheelchair user, the Toronto tech scene and events, as well as cute cat photos and maybe some knitting project updates. I'm launching with Collision Conf 2024 from June 17-21st here in Toronto, Canada.

Note: All videos will have manual captions added. If I'm out at an event I may not have the spoons (energy) to add manual captions right away. I strongly support Rikki Poynter (@rikkipoynter) and others with no more Crap-tions!

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