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Just Float_RuthandWillow #justkeepswimming

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Just Float_RuthandWillow #justkeepswimmingの説明

I love life and live it to the full the best I can, every day is precious and life is too short to waste. Make every moment count and with my family, friends and my incredible assistance dog Willow by my side we do just that, I’m also a model with wonderful Zebedee Management and do talks and public speaking to schools, children, adults and local groups around, all on disability, being different, my story personally and overcoming challenges and adversity. Also my amazing Willow does a little demo too of course showing the huge difference she makes to my life! I have good days and bad days just like everyone as on top of everything I’m fighting some quite serious chronic illnesses with lots of complications and my second home is hospital but I make the most of all I can in between and as my motto always says, when the going gets tough “just keep on swimming!’” On here I’ll show a mixture of my life and all of the above, I hope you enjoy! Any requests of topics or questions just ask!

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