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Autistic Selves

2,100 subscribers

About Autistic Selves

I am a late diagnosed autistic adult who also has a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The videos on this channel explore and reflect on my lived experience. Topics so far include Autistic Trauma, Autistic Masking, Autistic Monotropism,autistic meltdowns and whether it is possible for someone to hold a diagnosis of Autism alongside a diagnosis of DID (short answer: it is).

Although both autism and DID are officially mental health disorders we do not see ourselves in this way and prefer to call ourselves an Autistic System. Our collective name is Autistic Selves. We make videos to explain what life is like for us in the hope that sharing our story will help others and inspire research into what we term Autistic DID. It is also hoped that our videos will increase understanding of neurodiversity and will inspire those in positions of authority to think about how they could make their organisations more inclusive.

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