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hey guys Welcome to My channel I am a YouTuber that Uploads Roblox Videos every Now and Then To let everyone Know School is coming up soon which means I won’t be able uploaded every day since this year I be starting college Which my YouTube video uploads schedule will be change if I have no Homework then i be able to upload some Nee video’s for you guys but since this year I be starting college my schedule will change starting Next day after August 23th since I am going be busy moving to campus on 25th and also don’t complain if the videos will be post late at Night like 9 or to 11:59Am but don’t worry my regular schedule for uploading videos will go back starting April 2025 i will let you know when my videos will resume also there will be sometimes no videos on the weekend because I have Some College stuff to take care off but one more thing to say there will be no videos durning holidays since I be busy flying back to visit my family for limted of time. Have a amazing day everyone.

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