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Underwriting Real Estate with Jay Helms

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Underwriting Real Estate with Jay Helmsの説明

Welcome to the W2 Capitalist YouTube Channel and Community.
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My name is Jay Helms, founder of W2 Capitalist, an online community and platform that helps parents build multiple streams of income through real estate investing so that they relieve the stress and anxiety that comes with providing for a growing family, build a bigger nest egg, or simply achieve financial freedom.

My “Big Hairy Audacious Goal” (BHAG) for the W2 Capitalist is to help 1 million people be less dependent on their W2 income so that they can be more present for their spouse and children and not worry about what might happen if they are laid off or fired. Aside from being a real estate investor, husband, and father with 3 kids, I'm a mindset coach and host of The W2 Capitalist Podcast and Mastermind.

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