
Ever wonder what the Funkin gang does in their off-time? Well, here are a few of their home videos! Just foolin around :)


So uh.. This is my submission. I'm kind of happy with it, but there is a lot I would've loved to work more on. I sure learned a lot doing this. I got reaaaally over-ambitious with this one and didn't give myself time to get everything done. This was also my first real attempt at emotive character animation, and it is something I really want to work on. This idea was a great test though, and I would love to revisit it in the future when I have more time. I hope you guys can enjoy it too!

I bought the character models off from Cally3D, which really was the only way I was able to get this done in time lol. Really saved my ass! Otherwise, I would have loved to have made my own. If there is another FNF Jam, I will make sure I do that :)

I modeled, textured, etc. all the environments except the outdoor scene, which was a photogram by Austin Beaulier.

The handheld camera look wouldn't have been possible without the fantastic VirtuCamera plug-in. I highly recommend checking it out, it is mind-boggling!



FNF Models:

Song is Fresh (Chill Mix) by KawaiSprite:


Programs Used:

Photoshop 2020

Lightroom CC

Blender 2.91

Adobe After Effects



Check out my Instagram for more of my works, I mostly upload everything there rather than here:


Thank you!

