! Webcam Music Duel !


See a white screen? Try playing our game at jabbolive.com!


JABBO Live is the world's first video chat music game! JABBO Live lets you meet and play with new people over webcam!

Don't want to be seen on webcam but want to play JABBO Live? Don't worry, JABBO Live provides an option to protect your identity while you play!

JABBO is proudly brought to you by LiveMurals Interactive.


The basic goal is simple - jab the grey square as the orange circle fully enters it.

If you jab the grey square at just the right time, you are awarded 10 points - a perfect jab. If you jab the square a little too early or a little too late, you are awarded only 1 point.

However, if you allow an orange circle to pass through a grey square without jabbing it, 5 points get deducted off your score.


Here's how to play - http://jabbo.livemurals.c om


If you experience webcam problems, look at http://jabbo.livemurals.c om/tips.php