❤️ Planting a Garden of Love - Disability Pride ❤️

Published 2023-07-07
2023/12/07: OMG, thank you so much for the feature ST!!! This is such an amazing surprise <333 Special thanks to @-Squiggle for proposing this project to be featured! And thank you all so much for the support and inspiring comments. I consider this one of the most meaningful projects I've made. ❤️

- Planting a Garden of Love: Celebrating Disability Pride -

❤️ All of us, including those with disabilities of various types, can grow from our hearts a garden of love, hope and joy. In this project, you can build such a garden with colors from the Disability Pride flag, along with the symbols for autism (rainbow infinity) and neurodivergence (rainbow butterfly).

❤️ Instructions:
-- Plant flowers by clicking anywhere on the lower half of the screen.
-- Move your mouse to the upper half of the screen to bring out the selection menu.
-- Click the icons to select flower type and color.
-- Press 1 and 0 to toggle the mouse trail on/off.
-- Space key to switch between day and night.
-- Click the (i) button under the sun to see what each color on the flag represents. (You can also read below for a more detailed explanation.)
-- Click the info page to return to the garden.

❤️ All art and coding by me.
❤️ Music: Uchiage Hanabi Music Box Cover

❤️ Here is what the colors on the Disability Pride Flag represent:

-- Red represents physical disabilities.
-- Gold is for neurodiversity.
-- White represents invisible disabilities and disabilities that haven't yet been diagnosed.
-- Blue stands for emotional and psychiatric disabilities, including mental illness, anxiety, and depression.
-- Green is for sensory disabilities, including deafness, blindness, lack of smell, lack of taste, audio processing disorder, and all other sensory disabilities.
-- The faded black background represents the anger and mourning over the eugenics and the neglect that disabled people have to fight against.

❤️ Not sure what the Disability Pride Flag and Disability Pride Month are about? See the articles below for more info: https://www.womansday.com/life/a43964487/disability-pride-flag/

❤️ Visit the Disability Pride Month studio for more! https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33478173