|| The Exit || 13

Published 2018-01-18
25 frames... Took me... Over 5 hours.... What is my life ;-;

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Mild ketchup warning.

I'm actually proud of this. Even though the last two frames are bad.

You have questions. I will answer.

"You are so foolish"
Ok, the first singer is Marven, who is a Moodwing, (Will be explained down below.) And he's mad, so his color changed very slightly from orange to red. He's angry at Glen, his little brother, for trying to leave. He's normally a very good Moodwing, and Moodwings are considered angry and rude, but Marven is very sweet. But he doesn't want his brother to leave, and the cave leader, (His cousin Lyra) asked him to be leader after her. He is confused on what to do, and he doesn't want his closest friend to leave him.
"The dark has been your home"
The Cave is home to the Moodwings, so they are adapted to the dark. This is just Glen living in the dark, and wanting to be in the light.
"I'll hunt you down, through suffering you'll adone*" (*Idk what this word was lol).
Marven's angry more now, because Moodwings are a very wanted species, and are hunted for their color changing horns.
"Deepalise (Marven) You're my brother"
Glen (The one changing from sad to exited) wants to leave, he has a dream to fly, even though Moodwings' wings are useless, they can't fly, that's why their so endangered. But he needs to learn outside the cave. Glen has goggles, but he can't wear them in front to the other Moodwings because he'd get laughed at. Marven feels bad for lashing out and turns blue for sad.
"You loved and watched over me"
The you loved part is a picture of Marven taking Glen outside the Cave for the first time. This is when Marven gives Glen his goggles. (Marven is a good boi) And the Watched over me part is the first time Glen tried to fly, he took flight a bit, then fell and slipped off the cliff. Marven was thankfully there and caught his little brother. The colors in the first picture are, Glen is yellow for excitement/happiness, and Marven is feeling loving, or pink. In the second one, they're both scared, or dark purple.


Anyway, let me describe a Moodwing.
Have you ever had a MoodRING? Well, these creatures are hunted for their horns and the horns are the jewels on mood rings. They sense emotion and change color. Each Moodwing has a specific pattern on their fur. Like Glen has swirls and Marven has lightning bolts. the tips of Glen's ears glow too. And their tails, (Usually shaped like a leaf of some sort) glows as well. Their tails are very skinny, except for the puff on the end.
The remaining 50 or so of the Moodwings live in a cave, and are not allowed to leave the sanctuary without a mature Moodwing with them.

Marven is considered Glen's guardian, because their parents were shot by a hunter. Marven took Glen under his wing when Marven was 14 and Glen was 4. (They age like humans.) Moodwings can live to ~300.

Welp, thanks for listening, (Unless you skipped to the bottom lol) But yeah. That's the story of this map part XD