Minecraft Weekly- Issue 3

Publicado 2013-01-03
TheExplodingCheez is back and with an update! http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/TheExplodingCheez/3031095

Not live anymore but you can still participate in the events :)

The music is different now because we aren't live anymore. I am going to delete that page soon anyway.

Please press love it if you enjoyed!

This is not the full version yet. I am still adding many more pages.

Thanks everyone for coming and watching the live issue! It was really fun.

Next week we will have a live issue again it will be way better.

Status: LIVE
Last Update: 8:15
Last Page Added: Outro
Last Pages Updated: Make me Build!
Page Count: 16

Hey everyone! Welcome to the first live issue of Minecraft Weekly! I was planning to do this in Scratch 2.0 but I decided to try in 1.4.

Stick around and interact with the pages! :D

Credits: Huge thanks to my good friend, dozzyrok, for making the amazing intro for me! Here is his youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/austrock9080 Check him out! He has a lot of cool videos.