
Publicado 2020-11-25
I made this project by following a scratch team tutorial made by @natalie
To make this. After watching the video I copied down the code and alternated a few things to make it somewhat original.
I used blocks from the motion code section, the events section, The sounds section to make the "pop noise", I chose the same sprites but changed the colour of the ball to be purple, I used the looks section blocks, the control blocks section, the operator's section, and the sensing blocks section etc!
- The paddle on the right needs to be used with arrows in order to work and the paddle on the left needs to be used with a mouse! Pick which one you'd like to play the ping pong game.
- Did this by using the coding tutorial by @natalie where she uses the mouse in order to move the paddle she used command blocks such as when the green flag is clicked, forever orange command block, blue motion block "set x to", and she used a green coloured command block saying "mouse x" to combine it with the set x block. I used the arrow key coding which involved the same blocks repeating over and over again: If block, key pressed block, point in direction block and move 10 steps block to get the other paddle to work using arrow keys.