Super Mario on Scratch 3 Reboot

Publicado 2021-07-02
Super Mario on Scratch 6 Enlightened's out!
This project uses over 600+ assets so it may take a while to load. You may need to reload the page a couple of times.
Play the other SMOS games here as well:
Welcome to Super Mario on Scratch 3 Reboot! This is a full-on remake of SMOS3! While I feel that SMOS3 was still a good game, I feel there was a lot more I could've done to make the game a lot better. This Reboot uses completely new art, code, and assets. This game makes the bosses, map screen, movement, and a lot of improvements from SMOS5 to make this one of my better Mario games. I really hope you enjoy this project and give it a bit of support! Thank you!
@MusicManJoe for playtesting
@xXNunyaXx for playtesting
@Grayforz24682 for support
@NightCat28 for feedback
@Brad-Games for a bit of the tick code and feedback
@FunnyAnimatorJimTV for helping enemy listing code
@BILLGATESFAN for helping the clone spawning code and feedback

Nintendo for Mario and most of the other characters
Most of the music is owned by Nintendo
#Games #Animations #Art #Music #Stories #Super #Mario #On #Scratch #3 #Reboot #SMOS3 #Luigi #Bowser #Scrolling #Platformer #2021