
Published 2015-03-29
I turned one of my recent designs that I shared on Google+ into a logo to @IceCube291...

This design is a cube, so I colored it blue (well, it's actually cyan), and now it's an ice cube!

Actually, this design is made up of 5 cubes in total...

Let's just call it an ice sculpture!

A sculpture of what you ask?

I don't know. Maybe a model of what the Minecraft earth looks like, even though it doesn't include one of the layers that the real earth has... Maybe it's a model of 1/4 of some giant cube...

Plus, if you look at it sideways, (90 degrees tilt) it looks like some weird hexagon design!

That could be a pro or a con... No one shall ever know.

OK, I should really stop ranting already... Most of you won't even read this far...

Oh, OK...

If you read to all the way down here, comment "_gobo_ _waffle_ _gobo_" in the comments, to show that you are part of the unique group of Scratchers (or New Scratchers) that made it to the end of this!

Thank you for reading my weird rant and see you later!

- @StandardToaster

@easyscratcher for the animation script, you can find it in this project:

I made the design in Adobe Illustrator

That's about it!