FOX original music

Since FOX never got an actual release, i'm currently posting the progress which we had made before we stopped. This project shows off the music made for this project.
Game progress:

Thank you so much @qzhangmed for all the original music, please drop him a follow :)

The music will automatically move onto the next piece when finished
Use 1-6 keys to go to a certain music piece
Tap to automatically skip ahead

Roles of music in game:
1: audio played during intro segment
2: lobby music b4 first 3 lvls completed
3: prison music (lvl 1)
4: prison boss fight music (lvl 1)
5: lobby music after first 3 lvls completed
6: home music (lvl 6); OG music from FOX 1

#music #platformers #platformer #games #fox #maxybrian #qzhangmed #pixel #pixelart