Pokemon: Cosmos Remade X Battle World Stadium (online battle) (demo mode)

Publicado 2022-04-12
1!Important Please Read!
!you need a game code for pokemon cosmos remade to use this, If you don't have one here's the link to the game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/398411979 !

*some of the stats of pokemon are changed
*not all forms will be in game
*most credits of game on pokemon cosmos remade
*pokemon is owned by nintendo game freak
*please ask when remixing
*gameplay my move a little slow due to cloud restictions
*confusion may be added later
started demo on: 8/23/2021
started fully released on: 4/12/2022
started making: 6/18/2020
#Pokémon #pokemon #battle #online #fight #pikachu #first pokemon battle online #games #strategy #turnbased #shinypokemon