Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! [[Parallax]]

Published 2022-01-17
A sample from Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" speech.
Access to the audio from: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/484160065/

Edit 1/19/2022: Please don't advertise on this project. Ads will now be deleted as soon as I see them from this point on.

Edit 1/15/2024: Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day of 2024 everyone!! I want to thank you for viewing this two-year-old project (yeesh) and to thank Martin Luther King, for helping change the world's view of racism. He and others like Rosa Parks have helped fight racial segregation and injustice within America. His speeches not only showed that there was hope, but they also inspired thousands of people to protest for this cause. Thank you, MLK, for everything.

Rest In Peace
Martin Luther King Jr., January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968