SWC Weekly #4 Part 1

Greetings and welcome to the fourth and final weekly of Scratch Writing Camp March 2022! This is ONLY Part 1 - once you complete this part, you'll be sent to Part 2 (a link at the bottom of the desc) and so forth. You must complete ALL PARTS to receive points.

This is a card generator that you will use to begin a story. Now, for the way your generated card represents the different aspects of your story:

NUMBERS correlate with the AGE of your character. Here's how that will work:
1-3 = age range 1-10
4-6 = age range 10-20
7-9 = age range 20-40
10, jack, queen = age range 40-60
king, ace = age is above 60

SUITS correlate with the PERSONALITY of your character.
♣ Clubs = Introvert
♠ Spades = Extrovert
♥ Hearts = Ambivert
♦ Diamonds = Omnivert

Once you have a character, you need to dive deeper into their personality in a 300-word biography. You need (at least) two prominent characters overall, so you'll have to write at least 600 words of characters, 300 for each card you get.

There will be two bars of color in the background generated every time the flag is clicked behind your cards. These colors will determine your SETTING. For example, if I got the colors bright blue and yellow, I might choose to have a 'Beach' setting. I would flesh this setting out in 150 words. You only need ONE setting - you don't need a different setting for each character.

Once you have your characters and setting, you have to do a freewrite with them for at least 400 words. The setting must be used in the freewrite, and your characters must be referenced. You'll be continuing this story later in Part 2, so there actually is a maximum for this part - your freewrite should NOT go beyond 500 words.

What you need for this part:
- 600 words on two characters designed based on cards, 300 words for each
- 150 words describing a setting based on the two colors you get
- 400 words of the beginning of a story with your characters and setting

Once you're done here, you can move on to Part 2 at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/663582530/ <3

Notes on personality:
Remember, “Extroversion and introversion refer to where people receive energy from. Extroverts are energized by socializing in larger groups of people, having many friends, instead of a few intimate ones while introverts are energized by spending time alone or with a smaller group of friends.” (https://www.healthline.com/health/extrovert-vs-introvert#:~:text=%E2%80%9CExtroversion%20and%20introversion%20refer%20to,a%20smaller%20group%20of%20friends.%E2%80%9D)
Quick note on the difference between ambiverts and omniverts: "An ambivert is a person whose overall behavior is the middle ground of extrovert and introvert. On the other side, an omnivert is a person who can either act as an extrovert or as an introvert, in specific situations." (https://shebegan.com/omnivert-vs-ambivert-differences-identification-key-points/#:~:text=An%20ambivert%20is%20a%20person,an%20introvert%2C%20in%20specific%20situations.)

Images found online somewhere heh