SWC Leader Apps ☆ November 2022

Published 2022-08-31

(Please read *everything*, whether or not you've led before. There is new information.)

1. What is SWC?

SWC, or Scratch Writing Camp, is a triannual virtual writing camp which runs for the months of March, July and November. When you sign up you set a word goal for yourself, and try to reach that by the end of camp. For every literary piece you write, you get to update your word count! There's also a competitive aspect with cabin points (there are 15 cabins - you'll be in one), which you can win through activities and competition. This session will run from the 1st of November to the 30th of November - and it's online, so you can be there 5 minutes or 5 hours a day, at any time! This is a great place for members of the Scratch writing community to meet skilled, like-minded and creative people in one of the biggest and most exciting events currently on Scratch. Whether you've been honing your skills for years or you're a complete writing beginner, there's a place for you here <3

2. When is my (co)leader application due?

11:59 PM UTC on Sept. 16th.

3. When will you be choosing (co)leaders?

On Sept. 17th, Robin and I will decide the leaders with input from our co-hosts, and we'll notify all of the leaders sometime that day. Co-leaders will be chosen by the leaders, not us, between the 17th of Sept. and the 1st of October.

4. How do co-leaders work?

Each cabin (see below for a list!) needs one or two co-leaders. If you have led before, you may have the option to choose *one* co-leader (if you've co-lead 3+ times you can also discuss with the hosts about having one co), but otherwise you must have two. If you are selected as leader and you are interested in having three co-leaders, please take that to the hosts. If you're only interested in applying for co, please mention that in your app. You are not allowed to advertise your application to the chosen leaders, and we will be monitoring this.
If you aren't selected as a co-leader, we would advise that you keep your app up even after the deadline has passed - sometimes situations will call for leaders to need to choose another co, so you could be that person!

5. What are the differences between leader and co-leader?

Leaders have more responsibility than the co-leaders. They are 'in charge' of the cabin, which could potentially mean making more decisions. The leader will be in charge of keeping track of their cabin word counts ( https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/564931660/ ). All leaders are official helpers in the main cabin, and expected to add points when they can; co-leaders don't have that responsibility.

6. What are the cabin names?

Mystery – Science Fiction (Sci-Fi) – Script – Realistic Fiction (Real-Fi) – Horror – Thriller – Adventure – Historical Fiction (Hi-Fi) – Fantasy – Dystopian – Poetry – Nonfiction (Non-Fi) – Fanfiction (Fan-Fi) – Bizarro Fiction (Bi-Fi) – Folklore

You aren't required to write in the genre of your cabin name! It's simply a name ^^

7. I've never been a leader and/or participated in SWC before. Can I apply/will more experienced people be chosen over me?

We choose only based on how good your application is, with the three main criteria of creativity, personality and answer quality.

8. When are camper signups out?

12 AM UTC on Oct. 1st, on @-redredrobin- 's profile. We don't have a notifying list - set a reminder for yourself ^^

9. Why do I need to include my timezone?

Just to get a sense of when you will be online. If you are uncomfortable sharing your timezone, just state that.

10. How do you communicate with leaders and co-leaders?

We have a discussion forum.

11. How will I know if my application has been seen?

The hosts are going to be loving all applications when we've seen them. We will view applications via the remix tree. (Also, I’ll get a notification whenever you remix, so there’s no need to link your application in the comments.)

12. Are collaborative apps allowed?

Collaborative applications, where two or more people apply through one app, are not allowed. If you use any art or code by someone other than yourself, remember to clearly give credit in your project description!

13. Can I choose cos before I get accepted?

It’s not okay to choose cos before you’re accepted as a leader - you may look at apps in advance but you can’t ask them to co with you or make a pact with friends to lead together. If you do get accepted, guidelines will be given on how to choose co-leaders.

14. Why were Fairy Tales and Myth removed, and what are the new cabins?
Fairy Tales and Myth were combined into Folklore, and Bizarro Fiction (Bi-Fi) is a new cabin genre we're trying this session that mainly focuses on absurdism, surrealism, weirdness, and entertainment.

By applying to be leader, you agree that in the event that you have to go inactive, you let the hosts know, transfer studio ownership and take any other necessary actions.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below <3