Real-Fi Retreat Cabin Guide

Publicado 2023-02-24
✿ Instructions

This guide is essentially themed around a bookshelf in your room at the retreat. Very creative, I know, thank you thank you *bows*

Feel free to explore everything (some things open just through mouse contact, but some need clicking on). Just keep in mind that the most important bits are the books with sparkles (✨) around them!

Also, if you'd like a farm animal to be named after you, send a link to a picture below, and someday when I have time I will put you in :>

✿ Links

Main Cabin:
Birdi’s Word Counts:
JC’s Word Counts:
Jint’s Word Counts:
SWC Megathread & Camper Rules:
Real-Fi Profile Pictures:

✿ The Cabin That Will Not Win

The Cabin That Will Not Win is an experiment focused on observing motivations, stress, and burnout when the competitive aspect of SWC is taken out completely. In this cabin, we will emphasize personal projects and team-building activities rather than dailies and weeklies. On a camp-wide scale, we will not be counting any of the points that we earn, and we will be exempt from the rankings completely. An explanation behind this idea is provided at .

✿ Credits

Coding and graphics - yours truly and Canva!
Writing (except introductions) - yours truly
Music - Shuffles between "Fly" by Nightbirde and "Courage" (P!nk's version)