Nike Apologizes To African-American Family After Alleged Racial Profiling Incident

Nike responds to an incident at a California store, where an African-American couple says they were racially profiled when a white store manager accused them of stealing a $12 basketball they had just purchased.

コメント (21)
  • @ox9218
    He’s intimidating her??? She called people with guns.
  • "You're intimidating her" As she stands behind three armed officers
  • It’s really sick how the profilers always ALWAYS play the victim, cry, lie and usually unless there’s video evidence the cops will side with the profilers smh
  • Instead of the cops saying “you’re intimidating her” They could’ve said “Please try to speak calmly, we understand your frustration and apologize, how can we help make this right” Sometimes cops don’t know the power of words. Hearing them say that legit angered me
  • How many cops does it take to solve a non existing case.
  • WOW….when you show up with 3 police officers, you aren’t being intimidated. You’re the intimidator.
  • @eggzile1
    People talk in a loud voice when they aren't being listened to. It's not intimidation. He already told her he didn't steal it, and she clearly doesn't have proof he stole it. She is trying to investigate him and force him to cooperate with her unlawful investigation. He has every right to yell at her.
  • @artie
    She’s hurt and their voices are escalating the situation… YEA RIGHT! They were being profiled and treated like criminals and yet that cop can’t seem to grasp his anger. He and his family had the right to be angry and shout their claim. Sad that they were followed after the gentleman established the first time that he had bought the item. Smh ridiculous. That Cop needs to learn to read the room. Looks like they were looking for another arrest if the black gentleman didn’t calm down smh. I can’t smh
  • 3 cops over a non stolen ball, no cops for politicians stealing billions.
  • The cops should have to apologize too!!! "You intimidated her" nothing more intimidating than a employee calling you a shoplifter and calling the cops when you actually paid for something.
  • They act like it’s acceptable to keep putting us through this because it’s normal for them to think we are always up to no good. Even after you find out she’s actually in the wrong the police are more concerned with how she feels then the person who was actually falsely accused.
  • This family was falsely accused and publicly humiliated. Don’t expect them to be calm!
  • Imagine what would have happened if they didn’t have the receipt..what a sad world.
  • They're intimidating her? She called cops, followed them down the street accusing them out in public of STEALING?! I'd be pissed.
  • She knows exactly what she’s doing, it’s written all over her smug face
  • It’s immensely disturbing how they the cops say you’re intimidating her. Like and?? Do you not understand the level of fear us black individuals have being seterotyped as thugs or some dangerous individual for the mere color of our skin. She is no victim, she is using her superficial white superiority. To look like a helpless woman she is no hero. She is a shame an individual of disgust
  • “You’re intimidating her” but yet she the one that has three humans with guns approaching a innocent family. Make it make sense….