Warframe| The Farmmaxing Grindset

Published 2024-02-07

All Comments (21)
  • @jellyjeffrey7350
    19th century peasants after the invention of fertilizers be like
  • @Darthmufin
    Don't forget that you get more enemy spawns with more players, so you also were getting more bodies to desecrate.
  • @echothefloof5438
    Loved this. You're like Hermos, without the mental state rants, screaming, and decisions that cause the devs to implement nerfs!
  • @sirvampier8356
    Remember for Nekros, There is the 100% gore chance on the Amalgam mod for the Ripkas which guarantees a split corpse to "recycle"
  • @vanceporter2300
    You’ve unlocked a part of my brain I didn’t know I had nor needed to appease. This is my endgame now; farmaxing.
  • @umopapisdn466
    A few extra things: Smeeta buff lasts 156 seconds with tek enhance and can stack multiple times, being roughly a 27% average boost (if my maths is right) before taking into account stacking, which wasn't mentioned Fissures, as mentioned in another comment provide even more boosters FInally, double resource weekends sometimes happen in case all this wasn't enough Also spawns are much lower on star chart than steel path, which explains the massive difference between runs
  • @fredxu99
    Back in the day, I used to grind Draco, Ceres for leveling and Syndicate rep. Any vets remember that? Max strength 3 spam Excal, Frost to keep everyone peachy in a bubble, Rhino/Speeva to make things die faster, and EV Trinity to keep up energy. I'm swimming in Orokin Cells still from all of those hours in that mission lol.
  • @AVery0ldFriend
    I have an ungodly amount of hours into this game and know all of this already, but the presentation and humor + information is top tier. Great job, sub.
  • @blix17
    Cute video but here's how to get more. When u open a relic in an endless missions u get a perma buff till the end of the mission 25% extra creds, affinity, drop chance and drops. (And a relic at every 5th) this caps at 100% extra meaning 100% extra loot chance with 100% extra per pickup. This stacks with everything else and on steelpath is the optimal way to farm. And it even buffs steel essence. Have fun
  • I cant wait to farm a large number of origami cells with my friends on Warframe. Thank you Zachmo.
  • @hurka.design
    Imagine doing Grofit Taker on extra credit weekends, while a fracture is happening using Chroma, with a credit booster.
  • @kanse1555
    Small thing to note about the difference in cells gained is that normal starchart missions scale enemy spawn rate with the number of players, but steel path always uses 4 player spawn rate. Also that more eximus units spawn in steel path which generally have a better drop chance for rare resources. It's advisable to run for as long as you can because eximus spawns ramp up in frequency capping out at around the 20-30 minute mark.
  • @SteamingGnome
    Loved your music choices man, thanks for letting us help w/ the video!
  • @noctoi
    ROFL the maniacal "IT'S WORKING!!!" a thing of beauty. seriously made me smile to watch. Great vid, and fun to watch. Love it. Thanks!
  • @quickgamingnerd
    i am now going to binge watch all of your warframe videos from now on. thank you for this because i've been watching way too many videos that just bore me to death but this one made me actually laugh and enjoy what you made. keep it up :D
  • @Yewrenegade
    my dude, your edits and humor are too good and funny. Keep doin what you do best, love these
  • @Jonathan-ms1rr
    This was super fun and engaging to watch honestly Volt was my starter warframe too and your humour is excellent.
  • @NiceO1
    1:23 the pause combined with the music is just too iconic
  • @kurdtcoben
    For a game that lives almost entirely through it's cash shop it's amazing to see this actually worked so well!