Reporting on the Texas Abortion Ban

Published 2021-11-28

All Comments (21)
  • @jonsmith7659
    Everything is bigger in Texas. Except brains and empathy.
  • @Brit943
    The obsession with abortion is beyond me. So many adults damaged by their childhood, I’m surprised we have resorted to making people go through pregnancies they don’t want.
  • @rosehood2628
    All of you who say it's wrong and seem to think every fetus should be born.....I hope you are also as passionate about providing financial assistance to those families, providing childcare, Healthcare for the child, and adopting those kids who go into an already overwhelmed foster/adoption system. I hope you are willing to help provide for the partner and possible kids left behind after a woman dies from a risky pregnancy. I hope you are willing to provide mental health services for the girl/woman who was abused and would then have a daily reminder of that abuse. So many want to pass judgment on others when ultimately it's not your business nor is it your right to force your personal beliefs on others.
  • @mrobject9113
    Doesn't Texas stil have the death penalty? So someone please explain to me why the death penalty isnnt considered murder?
  • @asialadd7584
    Trust me when I say, the only thing not allowing abortions is doing is stopping said abortions, and that's exactly what I told my doctor when they denied me from getting one, and when I went back to my doctor and he asked hows the pregnancy is going I looked at him and said what pregnancy lol. Yall not stopping anything 🤷🏿‍♀️
  • Fighting to have unwanted children is beyond me. Are these people pro-crime? Because that's what's going to happen with most unwanted children. They become criminals. If they reach adulthood at all
  • @lalitthapa101
    Its not "pro life". Its PRO STATE ENFORCED PREGNANCY
  • @haveaniceday23
    I was ra@#$ and beaten by my daughter's father after she was born. I didn't feel safe to have another baby with him. The poor poor baby's who are pregnant by their abusers and forced to have their baby. I pray for you. These people want to go back to the sweep it under the rug and it's so sickening
  • @zizimugen4470
    1:10 Finally! Ohmygod finally someone else said it! Making abortions illegal will NOT stop abortions from happening, it just means abortions won’t be done in sanitary environments, by professional practitioners, with patient-protections.
  • @tessamarie8698
    The first trimester is associated with the highest risk for miscarriage. Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester before the 12th week of pregnancy. Paypya has been used as a food to abort an unwanted pregnancy. Consuming papaya during pregnancy is a strict NO! This is due to the presence of active enzymes create contraction in the uterus, which causes miscarriage. Pineapple contains bromelain, which softens the cervix and can start untimely labour contractions, resulting in a miscarriage. Which high levels of vitamin C also contribute to. Carom seed tea is also used to stimulate contractions and bring on an early period. On am empty stomach before bed some women get their period within an hour after taking this tea. in the early 12 week period this is said to also cause miscarriage. You're welcome ladies. Now go do you!
  • @wingblade6023
    When Roe v. Wade DOES get overturned, I look forward to the U.S just getting absolutely flooded with unwanted kids. For more babies in police stations than criminals, lol. But more seriously, on how governments will create laws to address the massive influx of children being put into the system. Will some states retaliate against women for leaving babies at hospitals and police stations? Will there be amendments to the current programs for financial help for parents and adoptive guardians? Will orphanages even be prepared for such an increase? Hell will new orphanages popup around cities overnight? Lastly, if/when this happens, will the law be able to further dictate a women's autonomy? Could I realistically make a case that a women should not be aloud to drive, teach, or even practice law?
  • @IKEMENOsakaman
    Wow, people are too obsessed with other people's bodies. I think people have too much time...
  • There are babies who are not wanted by their parents and there will be a lot more of them. Does Texas have enough resources to take care of all those kids?
  • @erinecollett
    A major thing that most people forget is that the majority of women who have abortions already have children and can’t take on anything more. I used to be ashamed and wouldn’t ever talk about it but I had an abortion when my eldest son was 5 months old. I was on the pill you take you when you’re breast feeding. Which is very finicky you have to take it literally at the same time everyday or it can fail. I was fortunate and caught it early on at 5 or 6 weeks because I was having issues with my milk for breast feeding. I’m so over being ashamed of it. I don’t regret it for a second because I wouldn’t have my other son if I carried on with that pregnancy. And I know it was the right the decision at the time. I was so fortunate that I live in Toronto and I can and could an appointment within days after my decision. But before I lived in a small a province where abortions were not available and I don’t know if it would have possible there. Access is so much more important than it is typically made out to be.
  • @MrJamiez
    In the UK, abortion law is at 24 weeks pregnant. From the NHS (national health service) our health care. Edit Most abortions in England, Wales and Scotland are carried out before 24 weeks of pregnancy. They can be carried out after 24 weeks in very limited circumstances.
  • @clare1971
    Every woman has the right to do whatever she wants to do with her own life and body, it’s no one else’s business in my opinion. We will not be going through the unwanted pregnancy or birthing or supporting the child so why do we have a right to judge?
  • @daveedzee
    You have a constitutional right to abortion in the United States. Even if a fully grown legal adult with equal rights to you needs your body's nutrition for 9 months, you should have the right to refuse that relationship at any point, even if you initially agreed to those conditions.
  • @jessetorres8738
    Personally, 1) I'm a male who is pro-choice but feels that it's ultimately a women's right/decision to take birth control & that Roe V. Wade should remain in effect as it currently is. 2) When it comes to the 1st & 2nd trimester, I don't agree with the argument that the baby is truly alive even with a heartbeat since it also lacks a brain, its lungs, & an immune system, which are needed to keep it alive (& something like this happened to a family member whom I won't mention by name). 3) I believe that once a baby is born it should have affordable medical care/coverage for its entire life since I'm pro-life in that regard & not just pro-birth. 4) I don't believe male politicians should be able to create laws regulating what women can or can't do with their own bodies when that sets a precedent for female politicians to create laws regulating what men can do to theirs.