On Our Times - St. Paisios the Athonite

Published 2021-05-17
A memorable word by one of the greatest men of the 20th century: St. Paisios the Athonite (+1994). Here he exhibits his pain of heart for his fellow man, his boldness in speaking the truth in love, his spiritual illumination on things to come.

Read the text here: apantaortodoxias.blogspot.com/2015/06/on-our-times…

The icons from the thumbnail are from Dionysiou Monastery on Mount Athos:
St. Paisios says:

We have to witness our faith with boldness, because if we continue to be silent we’ll have to answer in the end. In these difficult days each must do what’s in their power. Leave what’s out of their power to the will of God. In this way our conscience will be clear.

It’s unseemly to become angry in one’s own defense. Resisting evildoers is another matter, however, when it’s in defense of serious spiritual matters, when our holy faith, Orthodoxy, is concerned. Then it’s your duty. To think of others, to counter the blasphemers in order to defend one’s neighbor—this is pure, because it is carried out in love.

If you want to help the Church, then try to mend your own ways, rather than others’. In straightening yourself out you straighten out a particle of the Church. If everyone were to do that then the Church would be in perfect order. But today’s people attend to everything under the sun, only not to themselves, because it’s easy to teach others, while mending one’s own ways requires effort.

A Christian must not be a fanatic but have love in his heart for all.

He who throws words around carelessly, even true words, does evil.

And if someone receives the mark unknowingly?
It’d be better to say “uncaringly.” How can one be unknowing, when everything is crystal clear? And if a person doesn’t know, then he should become interested and find out. By accepting the mark, even unknowingly, a person loses Divine Grace and gives himself up to demonic influence.

Behind the “perfected credit card system,” behind “computerized security," lurks worldwide dictatorship and the yoke of the Antichrist: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. 

Our time is like a bubbling and steaming cauldron. One needs temperament, audacity, courage. Take care not to be caught unprepared, if something is to happen. Start getting ready now so that you’ll be able to resist difficulties.

There is no spiritual life without sacrifice.

Look after your health, but not to the degree where you begin to bow down before your peace and well-being. I’m not asking anyone to throw themselves headlong into dangerous adventures, but you have to have at least a bit of heroism, my brother!”

This channel is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!

All Comments (21)
  • @A3GSPD
    Wow. Watching this in 2024 and had just came to the Orthodox faith in January 2024 and all I can say is wow; it’s as if the curtain is being ripped apart in front of my eyes allowing me to see clearly. Glory to God. ☦️
  • Please pray for me. I accepted Christianity as the only path worth following about 3 years ago, and 3 months ago I had to leave my Evangelical congregation due to being convinced that Christ's Church is not to be found in Protestantism but rather in Holy Orthodoxy. Much to my chagrin, I have found only lukewarmth. I believe the words of St. Paisios are true, but I have not found a parish or spiritual father. May the Lord have mercy on me for all of the time I've wasted, and may He guide me to where I will find wisdom and discernment.
  • Please pray for me. I'm thinking about coming over to the Orthodox church from Catholic, which I have left.
  • @hdgskevdb
    Absolutely encouraging! Lord help me not to be a coward!
  • @publius5128
    Terrifying how accurate this is...The last two years...The WEF...Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners.
  • @petes6521
    The forced vaccination push was a clear indication of the times we live in. May the Lord give us all strength.
  • @deebater5711
    May we all in the West (where the sun is setting) run to the Eastern Orthodox Church (where the Sun is rising). "But you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing it's wings" (Malachi 4:2)
  • “Some say, “I am a Christian and therefore have to be joyful and calm”. But they are not Christian, they are simply indifferent. Their joy is only a worldly joy. The person in whom these worldly seeds are present is not a spiritual person. A spiritual person consists of nothing but pain” ☦️
  • @Smiley_Face0
    The first 0:26 seconds still explain our world 100% in the year 2022. Absolutely baffling to witness. I'm a complete moron but when I can see things we are in deep trouble
  • @Diejewdie6M
    It was a blessing to have heard this message. For over a year now I have been telling anyone who will listen that we have to be brave. I have recently begun my journey to the Orthodoxy. Hearing this message was just one more confirmation that I made the right choice. May the Lord lead me and mold me into the man He wants me to be. Amen
  • @applesnicolle5144
    BEST part of YouTube is we get great souls speaking like Orthodox Wisdom!! Ty♥️🙋‍♀️
  • @Orthodoxi
    Glory to thee O God! Glory to thee! Dearest St. Paisios thank you for your prayers for us!
  • Every video you make is getting better and better (and the early ones were great!). Thanks for the efforts, we benefit from your efforts.