She Can't Stop Lying.


コメント (21)
  • @omlette
    "I messed up i-" YOU SCRIPTED IT YOU HAD IT WRITTEN OUT 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
  • @pwnser
    god the fact that i have to treat allegations like a fucking pokémon battle to see who’s right and wrong is insane
  • @cinnaa5
    First it’s “that was my first sexual experience and he ruined it for me” then it’s “ALL of my bad sexual experiences have made me ACE.” So George wasn’t your first sexual experience? Okay Ms. Inconsistencies.
  • Yet another woman making it even harder for real victims to speak out. False accusations deserve higher consequences.
  • @thatguyd3516
    Too drunk to not consent > sober enough to remember the entire night 7 months later
  • @cald1421
    I just feel bad for George. Took the dude an hour to make the first move with something as light as tickling. Hes clearly already shy and sensitive and now it’ll be way worse
  • @The_BigB
    The "victims dont have to explain themselves" was the point that really bothered me
  • She's smiling a lot in this video. I don't know a single victim of sexual assault who ever smiled when they were reliving their experiences.
  • As an ACE individual, I think she needs to stfu about not liking cuddling and touching. I'm ace and know how to say NO and EW.
  • Lying about being a victim of sa which could potentially DESTROY someone’s life should be illegal.
  • @D_an_
    Its funny how those crocodile tears instantly vanished and was replaced by anger when no one believed her BS.
  • @xj0469clank
    5:50 as a man who was groped by a woman, its not as easy as you think to "just say no". I think this girl is full of it tbh but its completely valid for people to not be sure what to do during a sexual assault until after it happens. Its like if someone robbed you in daylight, maybe your first reaction is to chase them down, maybe you stand there thinking its a prank, maybe you're just completely shocked and do nothing. There are so many ways you can react and you're not really make a coherent decision in the moment.
  • @fluoritedraws
    As a victim of SA myself this is just disgusting. She keeps smiling like “omg I ruining this man’s career” this is absolutely disgusting. Because of her real victims like myself never get believed. I never have put online exposing my abuser as I feel as though if it comes to light no one will believe me just because of people like her faking being a victim online. I am absolutely repulsed and disgusted by her.
  • @noahclark3639
    She showing the body language of a tik toker trying to act in a movie
  • @shoko._.520
    As a female I hope she gets sued. Not on some pick me shxt but as an actual victim of sexual assault is really disgusting smh
  • As a SA/R@P3 survivor I can tell you rn she's lying. Any victim of a s3x crime is typically very uncomfortable telling the story. It feels very embarrassing and degrading to verbally recall to people, let alone the entire internet, that you were taken advantage of. It's a full on admittance of how vulnerable you were. Not only this but most "victims" (like myself) hate being called victims, especially if we've come to terms with the fact it wasn't our fault. We usually refer to ourselves as survivors or warriors, because these experiences cause a mass and deep internal amount of damage to us mentally. It's a lot to live with. I was one of those many women who suffered with PTSD from my experiences and still have recurring nightmares sometimes. It's been 10 years, I'm married with a baby, and yet I'm still extremely uncomfortable around the majority of men I encounter and am around on a daily basis. It took me roughly seven months to finally be able to tell my partner what happened to me, and it took me almost 2 years to tell my parents what happened after it had taken place. It's not easy to talk about, and someone being too comfortable discussing is almost always a sign they're lying.
  • @srmmr
    this video is perfect. i’ve never had a man ask for consent because in the moment, our behavior is very mutual and we’ve both been into it. chronically online people thinking you need to ask for consent in every circumstance is going to be the downfall of our society
  • She basically saying “I’m 18 and 5 months old treat me like a child” I was SA in 4th grade and I wasn’t laughing and smiling like she is. I had to go to the mental hospital because I was a danger to myself due to the trauma. So this girl obviously doesn’t know what SA is and the effects of the trauma of it. Just cancel this woman already!