My Ex-Husband Who Cheated on Me With My Sister Emailed Me After 6 Years | Ep. 113

Published 2024-04-02
Episode 113 - With Madi, Brandon and Sam
0:00 Back to Filming in Real Time
3:02 Blachelor Update
7:10 We Missed Eachother
18:05 Parent's Test
29:11 Nebraska Accents
31:22 AITA For Walking Out of an Event When My Fiance Introduced Me as a Bookkeeper
34:12 Response
55:25 Updates
55:58 Here's What Brandon is Teaching Madi
58:33 Madi's Rizz Tip For Reality TV
59:25 My Ex-Husband Who Cheated on Me With My Sister Emailed Me After 6 Years
1:03:51 Response
1:08:42 Update
1:10:56 Response
1:12:31 Update
1:15:15 Response
1:17:45 AITA For Suggesting an Open Marriage Since My Husband Won't Have Sex and Begs Me No to Divorce Him
1:19:24 Response
1:32:06 WIBTA If I Break Up With My GF When Her Dad Died Bc of Me
1:33:50 Response
1:38:54 AITA For Not Telling My GF That I Was Gonna Break Up W/ Her If She Went on Vacation with Male Friends
1:39:58 Response
1:43:50 Edit
1:44:26 Response
1:46:02 Update
1:47:10 Response
1:51:48 Community Living Gab Sesh
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#aita #relationshipadvice #comfortlevel

All Comments (21)
  • @samx36
    If your partner doesnt cheerlead you on, then why even be with them??? They dont even like you! Nah, 1st OP deserves better.
  • @kated47
    I feel like we hear these stories on Reddit all the time—men who cheat on their SOs to be with someone too young for them, when their current SO was also too young when they got together. To be fair that man got what was coming to him! I had an ex send me an email out of the blue years after we broke up, which was also incredibly awkward. Our situation wasn’t nearly as extreme but bro is married and should not be reaching out to his exes!
  • @invadernav3422
    I'm an asexual, and I'd feel more comfortable with an open relationship, or polyamorous, for the fact that I know most people do need a sexual aspect to a relationship. If they can't have that with me, I'm fine if the relationship allows for them to have it with someone else, as long as it's safe and careful. Being ace, I can't comprehend why sex is so necessary to so many people, but I still can respect a partner who does feel they need it.
  • @kylieyoung6296
    The button didn’t glow for me I feel personally attacked
  • @vcutler4735
    Nah if the response to "I would like more intimate time" is "give me a beej and no I won't reeciprocate" then yeah divorce is the next obvious step because of how cruel such a /worldview/ is. Husband knows he has a live in caretaker and knows he will sink not swim if he has to hit the dating pool again.
  • @AcaMaca1984
    Grandparents rights are only in case of neglect. It takes a LOT to win that case, especially if the child’s parents are estranged from said grandparents.
  • @esmooth919
    31:22 NTA. That is definitely an insult, and since OP explained the difference to her fiance, he is choosing willful ignorance. I hope she broke off the engagement, cuz that is hella disrespectful
  • @bradiedean7466
    Sam's absolutely right about the "Ope". I spent all four years of college living with this girl from Illinois and her "Ope!"'s were so contagious they're still a permanent part of my vocabulary now
  • @tamaramen4517
    Sam never disappoints with how far he is willing to cross the line and make us all laugh but sometimes he has a line of thought that is so profound. He surprises me with a very deep point of view every once in a while. Blessings to you all.
  • @pigeonheld
    Why am I sobbing the parents test was soooooo cute
  • @Blullaby
    We love Love in this house ❤! So happy to hear the Blachelor bore beautiful fruits, regardless of how your relationship evolves 🥰
  • @blabbuh
    For the story with the guy that waited til his GF returned from vacation to break up, he already said, the friend/hookup person said she started talking a ton of trash about him (OP) out of nowhere when they were supposed to have broken up months ago so the hookup got suspicious and reached out to confirm if they were actually broken up and then the truth came out.
  • @carliebabe636
    I love that you guys can get a break and prerecord, but I love when you record closer to the release because then you are more pop culture relevant. Either way, a new pod episode is always a good time
  • @snabors12
    If your partner shares that they're uncomfortable with something you're doing or planning to do, a conversation should take place regarding those feelings and about expected boundaries. She didn't bother to ask further about his feelings.
  • The no sex one, if you are a sexual person in a relationship 6 months is a looooooooong time to try and talk to a partner about sex or lack of. I mean seriously sit there and think about how you'd feel about it taking 6 months for your partner to TALK to you about literally anything thats an issue. SIX MONTHS trying to have a CONVERSATION. I don't give a flying eff what the subject of the conversation is, SIX MONTHS?! That's divorce worthy 100%. Thats ridiculous. If in six months they won't even TALK about the issue therapy isn't going to help anything.
  • @redhood5264
    I needed this fr. Been overthinking and in my own head, need you funny folks to cheer me up
  • @NicaMiller
    As a married person I can almost guarantee that she’s tried to talk to him multiple times and more often than not he pushed her aside because he’s getting his jollies and doesn’t give a shit about her. So after trying to bring it up and being pushed aside what more do you want her to do?
  • @buckyxcharms
    when story 2's OP met Dan, she was 18 and he was at least 25 (if my math is right) while i don't wanna like. stir the pot or anything without knowing their actual story, i can say that i made a similar choice (dating a 25 y/o at 18) and it's NOT something you really wanna sign yourself up for like that mine didn't end with a marriage>divorce, but it certainly gave me a lot of trauma that i'm still recovering from to this day it sucks and i feel terrible for OP in that way also! eta!!: grandparents rights is something that exists at different levels across different states (im just talking about usa atm), and it's complex as hell but at minimum it only allows grandparents to apply for visitation rights it's not an automatic thing and i believe you still have to go in front of the court in some degree if the grandparents have more of a basis for more visitations or custody, then it becomes a more complicated matter
  • @Blullaby
    Wow ! There was tangent galore, and I'm here for it ! 🤭