Billie Bust Up - All Boss Fights So Far (No Damage/One Hit Mode)

Published 2023-08-09
Billie Bust Up - All Boss Fights So Far (Barnaby Boss & Fantoccio Boss) - All playable boss fights so far in Billie Bust Up! This video includes the Barnaby Boss Fight + Fantoccio Boss Fight in one video.

Billie Bust Up is a musical 3D Platformer with cute characters and catchy villain songs! (

This game isn't released yet. The game is a work-in-progress and these are early builds.

0:00 - Fantoccio Boss Fight
3:13 - Barnaby Boss Fight

All Comments (21)
  • @waitwutthe
    I’m surprised that the devs can perfectly make the music fit with the boss, and make sure that nothing goes wrong somehow
  • @Kobukseon
    I have to admit; it takes a certain type of genius to coordinate the boss attacks with the lyrics and beat of the song. Playing this game is going to be like dancing to the amazing music.
  • @vanvan5761
    Barnaby is probably one of my favourite characters I have seen in recent memory. Design and personality sell him so fully, and all I know of him is that he really wants you in his party, and he insists you join.
  • @michaellatner975
    If these two bosses have such good music, i am super excited to see what they come up with for either secret bosses or final bosses!
  • @koopa_industries
    Fantoccio is voiced by Michael Kovach, aka the same dude who voiced Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel and N from Murder Drones
  • @andytekampe8748
    A game where the bosses sing to you as they try to kill you?! Sign me up! This is literally what I do either aloud or in my head when I play against bosses in games. Have them sing their own songs to the background music. Oh this is a dream come true! What even is this? Is the full game playable yet?
  • This pre-alpha footage of this game is actually perfect, I have a feeling this game is gonna be my favorite
  • @shawnmcclain2012
    This game looks fantastic. I'm sitting on pins and needles for this game to come out
  • @x_Dr.k_x
    For the people who don't know what barnaby is he died 100 years ago He's the dead soul of an owl
  • @chaosbringer2659
    "theres a million gruesome ways to die" that line goes hard Barnaby is just such a likeable character!
  • @kitsu-ray8d20xx9
    I memorized fantoccios song so much I forgot most of the lyrics for Barnaby's song 😂
  • @thatoneguy9983
    Honestly this is so good for an early alpha though its so clear that fantoccio's fight is very early in development from the clear lack of sound effects and an ending to the stiff early animation and lacking background. In the future I hope they add more things going on in the background like maybe have the crowd be a more active part of the fight or maybe make fanto fly around more actively throughout the fight as it progresses.
  • @G4lacta
    i love how this game and ESPECIALLY the cutscenes look more like an animated video than a game
  • @LooseCo
    I know this fight is still in pre--Alpha, so I really hope the Fantoccio fight gets a bit of a second pass. It's good right now, and obviously the song is great, but some of it feels a bit disconnected from the lyrics, and the fireballs and some of the hand clapping don't particularly match up to the rhythm of the song super well. Like I'd really like to see Sharkespeare A) get a visual upgrade a bit so he's wearing Shakespeare like clothes and B) have him more involved in the pirate part of the fight instead of hanging out in the corner. And the lyrics mention a lion, a bear, and neither show up during that part. And the finale I wouldn't mind visually it being a bit more bombastic in the background. With colors or fireworks or flames or something. However what I do really like is the ceiling falling apart during the third act, that gives it a real feeling of Fantoccio losing control and not paying attention for when the set falls on him. This maybe sounds overly nit picky or negative, but I just REALLY like this song, of the two released so far it's my favorite and I'd just really like to see this fight get a bit more polish like Barnaby's fight. But again, this is pre-alpha, it's still really early in development, and I imagine a lot of it is being done by one person, it's just visually/thematically it doesn't feel quite as polished as Barnaby's chase and I hope it eventually will be. The song is basically perfect, I've listened to it on repeat a billion times.
  • @SpunkyDunk
    I'm calling it right now: this game is gonna be an instant classic.
  • @VSpoodle
    the family guy death pose is always a classic
  • @awildnoviceappears
    Damn, lots of music fused games lately; No Straight Roads, Hi-Fi Rush, and now Billie Bust-up