The Transgender Question

Publicado 2015-06-10
Father Mike Schmitz discusses the difference between one’s perception of gender and gender reality. Gender stereotypes have altered our perception of what it means to be a man or a woman, but it is unhealthy to expect reality to conform to our perceptions.

If there is someone in your life struggling with gender identity, or any other brokenness, Father Mike encourages you to be there for them.



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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • 🌟It's our mission to make our media a trusted resource to enliven the Faith by sharing practical, spiritual, and insightful answers to life's most difficult questions. If you believe in our mission and have been personally impacted by one of these videos, would you prayerfully consider giving a gift of financial support?
  • @weirddude6260
    I'm a Catholic who's struggled with gender dysphoria since I was a kid. I actually think this video is fantastic and totally on point. I never transitioned, and it is incredibly hard, but it really did get better for me as I strove to be a healthier person, supported by friends who both affirmed me as a male, and also affirmed that my differences are good and lovable as well. That did take many years and I'm still healing. I have friends who transitioned, and while they experienced satisfaction from their transition, I honestly feel I ended up in a much happier, healthier place. So yes, people experiencing gender dysphoria do need a TON of love and support, and it's a difficult path, but as someone who's experienced this, Father Mike is totally correct.
  • @markg.4246
    I believe it was Mother Theresa who said, “If we spend all our time judging others, we have no time to love them”.
  • I'm 35 and have been secular my entire life. I've recently begun looking into catholicism for the sake of my children. I'm hoping for an epiphany if I'm lucky. I've been listening to your videos for a couple weeks now and I seen this video and with the way things are going these days I have to admit I was worried but I think you hit the nail directly on the head and I'm grateful for that. Thanks father.
  • @bethz6729
    I'm a protestant, but I really appreciate this message 💞 Thank you! God bless
  • As a Catholic, I truly appreciate the positive comments from atheists. While we differ on some issues, we’re all human. Thank you again for respecting our personal beliefs.
  • @patrickwest08
    Father mike, I’m an atheist, but I wanted to say thank you for creating such a thoughtful video. Especially considering how sensitive some people can be about this topic.
  • @epriebe1
    This just came up in my feed 7 years after release and I want to look more into other videos of his. If he is brave enough, and smart enough to take on delicate issues like this in such a compassionate manner I need to find out what more he has to discuss. Bravo!
  • @Mercedes4633
    Thank you for your videos. I was raised Catholic and recently have rediscovered my faith in the Catholic church after 17 years of being agnostic. Your videos answered a lot of questions, doubts and confusion I've had.
  • @josephalani3035
    As a non-theist this was an amazing argument. Everything was calm and civil and extremely logical. I can now truly appreciate the catholic view on this issue Coming back to this years later just to say that just because I can appreciate the viewpoint and say it was a good argument doesn't mean it's necessarily a correct one, which I think is something a lot of people who responded to this are missing. This guy is still not an intelligent person who you should use to base any of your opinions off of (feel free to go through his other videos) and in all honestly comparing someone that feels like they are transgender to a boy who feels like a dog is a massively degrading thing in hindsight. What this comment was more so saying was that it's nice to see the ideas expressed in a calm rational manner rather than the "oH mY gOsH tHeY wAnT tO uSe ThE sAmE bAtHrOoM aS mE eWwWwW" manner that we see 99% of the time this is argued about. Now I'm also not saying that the transgendered community/supporters have the 100% right of everything either, but we all just need to remember that everyone is human and we should treat everyone with respect. If you want people to respect your personal beliefs you also have to respect theirs
  • @anilorak13ska
    "All we have is gender stereotypes" YES! "It's not reality that has to change; it's your perception that has to change." This is a great explanation, thank you!
  • @Moscoviya2009
    I think the question at the end of the day is how can society treat tomboys and feminine men with respect and dignity. Society should stop focusing on the arbitrary expectations associated with male or female.
  • @almasakic1148
    Thank you. As someone who is concerned for this group and people who suffer from body dysmorphia, or social gender expectations (myself being one of them) I was holding my breath thinking, "this is where the wonderful Fr. Schmitz lets me down"...and nope, he didn't. So compassionate, kind, and rational. Thank you for your kindness Father.
  • @vss6817
    With 7 billion people in the world you are the only one who explained it in a way that no one got hurt
  • @gear772
    And people say this is a religion of hate
  • @thiershate6069
    Fun fact pink was until sometime recently associated with boys not girls
  • @PG-fy9mq
    This is the best, most wholesome, truthful point of view I need to listent to over and over. Very logical and compassionate. Love it!
  • @Joetheshow445
    I love this priest. He said it beautiful, “if perception isn’t matching up with reality then it’s not reality that has to change, it’s perception that has to change”
  • @emilymg1
    Thank you Father Mike!! I've been a tomboy forever and I hope people can respect my choice to remain a woman who simply doesn't like makeup, dresses, dolls, or the color pink. Thank you for giving me hope!!! <3
  • What a beautiful message full of love, compassion, truth and light. Messages like this should be viral in a world full of hate, ignorance and people who only see these issues as a way to make a huge business.