Why Ex-Obama adviser calls Biden's forcefully worded letter 'dismissive'

CNN's Senior Political Commentator and Senior Adviser to former President Barack Obama David Axelrod weighs in on President Joe Biden’s letter to House Democrats saying he’s firmly committed to staying in the race. #CNN #news

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コメント (21)
  • The political scene in America has become embarrassing.
  • @flipdbit
    She just needed to say "The President does not have Parkinson's." That's it. Instead, she danced around while the press corp got increasingly frustrated with the obvious game she was playing.
  • The press briefing was a train wreck yesterday. You know you’re on the wrong side when you’ve lost Kelly O’Donnell and Ed O’Keefe.
  • It's weird how the liberal media flipped on Biden all of a sudden... Seems so coordinated
  • He does not present like he is able to work 4 more years. Leaving it up to him is not reasonable. 😢
  • @JHLSKI2
    Military requires retirement at 64 years old. FAA requires commercial pilots to retire at 65.
  • I’m sorry but something is wrong when someone can not even form a coherent sentence and they are in charge of the entire country
  • "Why Ex-Obama adviser calls Biden's forcefully worded letter 'dismissive'" so let's otherwise "Convince It Forward" with Laus DEO :thanksdoc:
  • @dm-31024
    Cooper – 5:01 old news. CNN, can you not come up with anything new? There’s no new news.🆕??? Enough already. Move on
  • Exactly. Reporters are not health experts. They do not even know what questions to ask.
  • I used to listen to CNN but just dropped in to confirm to myself to not tune in ANYMORE.
  • @mrob75
    Pretty soon CNN will be interviewing Dr. Phill.
  • The dismissiveness is arrogance. Arrogance is the same thing that led Biden and his team to agree to that debate. Pride goeth before a fall........
  • @bobm1182
    He displays on a daily basis almost all the hallmarks of parkinsonism with the exception of tremor, which not all with parkinsonism display. The signs go back years, and has been progressively getting worse. It explains his facial expressions/stares , his short shuffling gait, hypophonia, bradykinesia, voice/throat clearing issues, falls, rigidity, among many other issues. Parkinsonism doesn't have to be caused by parkinson disease, it can also be due to different types of dementia, for example lewy body dementia among many others. If the white house can't be transparent about his health he needs to step down, if not for reelection how about for national security?
  • The underlying issue is that the people are being asked to pick between two power obsessed ego maniacs who have no sense whatsoever of public service.
  • @dm-31024
    Nothing new here. CNN, There’s no new news ??? Enough already. Do better. Leaving. You are boring us, looping over & over on the same stale thing.
  • In All honesty, the Democratic Party can be their own worst enemy. Diversity in thoughts and opinions is a beautiful concept, but failing to rally, fully support, and fall in line is a significant area for improvement. To the credit of the Republican Party, they know how to hold the fort down and support their leadership, both rank and file. For example, if Former President Donald Trump had passed out during the debate, there would have been no one in the Republican Party asking him to step down because they recognized he was their strongest candidate. On the other hand, in the Democratic Party, there is a lot of noise about their elected candidate, President Joe Biden. Yes, President Biden had an awful debate for whatever reason, but calling for him to step down is highly unwarranted and unwise. In examining potential Democratic Party front runners, who are qualified to replace him? I keep hearing talks about Governors Gavin Newsome (CA) and Gretchen Whitmore (MI), but they need national recognition or experience. They may be prevalent in their home states but have yet to be tested nationally. Given the stakes of this election, it is unlikely they will be a force against Former President Trump. Additionally, media outlets like CNN say House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries would be a good choice again. He does not have the experience or national recognition and is still getting his footing in his current leadership role. Lastly, there are news media outlets (not the people) pushing for Vice President Kamala Harris to be the presidential candidate. Still, I strongly dissent, given her record and historically low approval ratings. Vice President Harris has not been able to accomplish anything noteworthy since being in office. Sidebar: I understand Vice Presidents are like spears until something happens to a sitting President. However, she was given tasks like managing and co-coordinating immigration issues at the U.S. Southern Border and has fumbled. Given the Republican Party takes most of the blame for their failure to pass the bi-partisan immigration reform bill (at the behest of Donald Trump). As a Black/African American, it pains me to say that Kamala Harris also faces significant challenges as a mixed-race person. We recognize that racism is alive and well in the United States, including the Democratic Party, as well. Along with being a person of color, she is a woman running for office in a highly contested election; given the historic precedence with women like Shirley Chislom and Hilary Clinton, we are in a more divisive and radical climate. Let’s stick by President Biden he is the face of the presidency but there is an entire administration along side him doing to the work of the American people. We have protections in place and he follows the rule of law and listens to the advisors and established professionals including military leadership. We have not never heard him arguing, disagreeing and trying to undermine our institutions like Former President Donald Trump.
  • @Paul-lm5gv
    I have a friend who is a geriatric nurse and sees people with dementia every day. She says older people can be forgetful and even a bit senile - and still function OK. But they can’t be president of the United States! We have seen Biden's cognitive decline now for months! And one thing about people with dementia - they don't get better, only worse! There are seven stages of Alzheimer's and Joe Biden is clearly in stage four. Sad! Sad that his wife puts him and the country through this!