Published 2021-11-02
I think we have all felt the dreadful paint cup spill or the too much paint on the brush splatter. You know, the slow motion noooooo and the paint still gets everywhere. Makes it impossible to have a peaceful indoor painting activity. But, I have something that will save your day! These homemade spill proof DIY paint cups help prevent spills and take off excess paint from the brushes to avoid splatter. Works so well!
I don't dare say mess free because we all know there is nothing 100% mess free with our little ones, but, I do dare say that these spill proof cups combined with the non drip puffy paint recipe I've shown you before will definitely be as close as it gets to mess free! It is the best indoor painting solution! Trust me, you must try it.

- Small hard plastic cups or small thick glass jars
- Balloons
- Scissors
- Paint
- Paint brushes

1. Cut the stem of the balloon off
2. Add paint to the cup
3. Stretch the balloon and add it to the opening of the cup. Make sure its nice and tight
4. Cut a hole at the top of the balloon. Don’t cut it off though, just make an opening for the paint brush
5. Insert the paint brush through the hole and you’re all done.

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