Super Smash Bros. - Galeem/Dharkon - With Lyrics ft. @ianmartynmusic3310 and @DylanWilliamvandeWal

Published 2023-01-01
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At long last, the winner of Songtober is here - with the fury of two warring gods!

Super Smash Bros - Nintendo/Sora Ltd.
Composer - Hideki Sakamoto
Arrangement - Keiichi Okabe

Lyrics - Alex Beckham (ft. Hideki Sakamoto's Lifelight and Nobou Uemetsu's Brawl theme)

Galeem - Ian Martyn (
Dharkon - Dylan William van de Wal (

Chorus -
Alex Beckham
Darby Cupit ( (
DBGreece (
Emily Go ( ( (
Jax Tharp (… K.
Steel (
Tex (
wintermelon (

Art - StartistMakesArt (
Mix - Marc Gardner
Video - Sir Samgrace (

Outro Music: "Inspired" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

All Comments (21)
  • Here’s a fun fact! Along with the first couple lines of the Brawl theme, these lyrics also reference the other bosses of World of Light! Some are more obvious than others :)
  • @memy3087
    I love how the "Evil" and "Good" are both equal. Neither side is actually good for the characters. Both must fall to end the conflict.
  • Some random detail that I like; During the verses where Galeem and Dharkon reference their attacks on each other and the respective hands they control, Galeem always makes sure to refer to himself (“Do you not know the sting of your god!?” , “Do you not know your master’s firm hand!?”) like he’s reminding everyone that he’s the one in charge. Meanwhile, Dharkon only refers to the subjects as they are (“Do you not know the hammer of god!?” , “Do you not fear insanity’s hand!?” ), making it seem like he’s not seeking pure control, but more rather is a force that is pushing his power unto everyone.
  • @BagelsNSyrup
    I love how this song fits perfectly with Galeem and Dharkon, this is between both of them and your nothing but a inconvenience to them. Even in the fight the spirts, and bosses don’t attack you, their attacking each other and only show aggression towards you if you attack them. This song was definitely worth the wait.
  • The contrast between the voices of Galeem and Dharkon and how they see each other and their actions are lovely, they really feel like two godly beings fighting for control not realising there is a third party, not to mention the spirits singing alongside them with the main melody. This is a glorious start to the new year!
  • @Snivy_1245
    That moment at 1:57 where the original singer breaks through for just a fraction of a second, showing that the Heroes are actually making a difference! chills
  • @kit-san4846
    "Sound now the Horns! Ready for war!" "Bring out the Baptisim of Fire!" This part is godly.
  • @mistahchad220
    Seriously, I cannot get enough of "eldritch god-like being sings of your impending annihilation" as a theme. Lavos, Marx, now Galeem and Dharkon, every single one has their own unique spin on the apocalypse. Well done as always!
  • I love how Galleem sounds very passive agressive both in tone and speech while Darkhon gives harsh honesty with words of cruelty. Truly fitting of their characters. Yet as fundamentally different as they are, they sing the same tune. They both fight to dominate.
  • As I stated in the Songtober of this song. Darkness can not exist without Light sheen, and Light can not shine without Darkness' grasp. Galeem and Dharkon are fighting a war that neither side can win but are too blinded by the other to notice.
  • Italics - Lyrics sung from Galeem's perspective Z̷a̴l̸g̶o - Sung from Dharkon's perspective Bold - Collectively sung from the perspective of the Smash Bros. fighters Lux - Galeem is the lord of light, and "lux" is the latin word for light. T̶e̷n̷e̶b̷r̷i̸s̵ - Dharkon is the embodiment of chaos and darkness, with "tenebris" being the latin word for darkness. O̶m̴n̷i̵p̶o̶t̵e̴n̴t̴i̶! - A latin word that can be interpreted as meaning "almighty". The previous Lux and Tenebris in combination with this can be interpreted as "Almighty light" and "Almighty darkness", most likely Galeem and Dharkon tooting their own horns, flaunting their "almighty" power which is soon proven to be an illusion. Each little spark, bursting with light // Struggling on, ever to fight - Galeem's army of enslaved light spirits and puppet fighters always ready to fight at his disposal against their will. Derived from the Lifelight lyric "These little sparks cling on to life, everyone caught in the struggle" The storm of change, fanning the flames - Galeem's goal to change the universe by wiping the slate clean motivates him to continue fighting. Derived from the Lifelight lyric "And then the storms of change, they fan the flames, scattering ashes into the wind!" Crash now the waves, I purify! - Galeem's initial attack visually appeared as a mass amount of light spreading similarly to a wave crashing on a beach. "I purify!" once again referring to Galeem's goal. On that day, forever was banished, the night! The sun rising at the dawn of a new day banishes the night. Also refers to Galeem's rivalry with Dharkon and secondary goal of entirely eradicating him from existence. Derived from the Lifelight lyric "On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end" I̷n̷ ̸t̸h̸e̸ ̴b̷e̵g̷i̴n̶n̵i̷n̶g̴ ̴w̷a̵s̵ ̴N̷O̴T̷H̵I̴N̵G̴ ̴b̷u̵t̷ ̶N̸I̷G̷H̶T̸!̸ - There having been a dawn implies that the sun was previously absent, meaning the night was present in the beginning before the light was, paralleling Galeem's previous lyric E̷a̶c̶h̷ ̴l̵i̴t̷t̵l̴e̶ ̴s̶p̸a̷r̶k̶,̷ ̸l̶o̶s̴t̸ ̴i̸n̷ ̷t̶h̸e̷ ̶d̵a̶r̸k̴,̴ ̴C̸R̷Y̸I̴N̴G̷ ̴a̸t̶ ̵s̵h̴a̴d̶o̷w̴s̶ ̴t̵o̶ ̶s̵a̶v̶e̴ t̷h̴e̸m̸!̷ - Mirrors Galeem's similar lyric, with the same meaning but flipped to Dharkon's perspective. Also derived from the same Lifelight lyric as Galeem's respective lyric. A̸n̸d̸ ̷t̵h̸e̵n̶ ̵t̵h̸e̶ ̵d̶a̶r̷k̷n̵e̶s̴s̶ ̸a̵n̵d̸ ̷t̸h̵e̶ ̷w̶i̷n̶d̶,̵ ̸w̴o̸u̸l̵d̶ ̸l̷e̶t̷ ̷t̸h̷e̶ ̶a̸g̴e̵ ̴o̴f̸ ̷n̸i̸g̴h̴t̷ ̷b̷e̵g̸i̷n - Dharkon's goal to plunge the universe into darkness, beginning the age of night in which only the darkness and the cold wind remain. Mindless fools! Do you not know the sting of your god!? - Refers to one of Galeem's attacks performed when Dharkon is stunned, in which Galeem transforms into a giant needle and stings Dharkon in the eye. Galeem calling himself "your god" is a statement of arrogance, believing he has already triumphed against Dharkon's army. E̶r̸r̶a̸n̶t̷ ̴d̸r̶o̸n̷e̷s̶!̷ ̴D̶o̸ ̷y̶o̶u̶ ̵n̶o̴t̶ ̶k̸n̶o̴w̷ ̴t̷h̴e̷ ̴h̷a̴m̷m̴e̴r̷ ̷o̸f̷ ̶G̸o̶d̸!̶?̸ - Refers to Dharkon's equivalent to the aforementioned attack, in which he tangles himself into the shape of a hammer and slams his body onto Galeem's stunned core. Dharkon simply calling himself "God" rather than "your god" is likely a statement of even more arrogance, with Dharkon believing he is above everything in existence. Hear my will! I wipe the board clean for the light! - Referring to Galeem's goal again to wipe the universe of everything. F̵e̶a̸r̸ ̵m̴y̴ ̵w̸i̴l̴l̵!̴ ̷I̶ ̴h̸a̵r̴v̴e̵s̶t̶ ̴t̵h̴e̷ ̴s̸e̶e̴d̸s̸ ̷o̶f̶ ̴t̴h̴e̸ ̵n̶i̷g̸h̵t̶! - Referring to Dharkon's goal again. Sound now the horns, ready for war! - Galeem's character theme and this song both contain heavy usage of brass horns. Bring the baptism of fire! - Galeem's light theme naturally connects him to fire. Baptism in Christianity symbolizes purification, reflecting Galeem's goal once again. This is the day they all follow our way, stepping into our tomorrow! - Galeem believes he's already won the war, and all will follow his army's way into the universe's future. Derived from the Lifelight lyric "This is the day we finally find our way, stepping into our tomorrow!" Every soul contains a whisper of light, - This "whisper of light" is not referring to light in the same way Galeem does, instead referring to the heroism of the Smash Bros. fighters in their fight against Galeem and Dharkon. Taken from Lifelight. growing louder as it calls to unite! - The Smash Bros. fighters call to each other and unite against a common enemy despit the differences some of them may have. Also taken from Lifelight. From the distance sings a chorus of souls, rising slowly, stirring heat from the coals! - The spirits who were enslaved by Galeem and Dharkon call to the fighters, and power them up once they have been saved. Also taken from Lifelight. Colors weave into a spire of flame, - The spirits unite together in the game's true ending, becoming a massive colorful spire that greatly resembles a flame. Also taken from Lifelight. distant sparks call to a past still unnamed! - The long legacy of Super Smash Bros. and the numerous callbacks to previous entries, as well as the game universes that cross over within it. Also taken from Lifelight. Bear this torch against the cold of the night! - In their unity, the Smash Bros. fighters are able to fight off every threat they come across no matter how sinister it may be. Also taken from Lifelight. Light will guide you on your way to the ultimate fight! - The aforementioned righteousness of the fighters guides them to the final battle. "Ultimate fight" can also refer to the game's title. Also taken from Lifelight. Audi famam illius - "Hear the fame of that one", referring to a famous hero. In this instance could refer to a famous group of heroes, such as the Smash Bros. fighters. Taken from the Super Smash Bros. Brawl opening theme. Soles in hostes ruit - "How he plunged into enemy territory", the fighters taking the war straight to Galeem and Dharkon and fighting them in their own territories. Also taken from the Super Smash Bros. Brawl opening theme. Et patriam servavit! - "And saved his homeland", the fighters saving the universe from Galeem and Dharkon's destructive and fruitless war. Also taken from the Super Smash Bros. Brawl opening theme.
  • I find it interesting how Dharkon calls themself a “dark god” while Galeem calls themself the “light OF god”, really drives home how despite their equal evil, Galeem is the reigning champion and Dharkon is the challenger
  • Dharkhon REALLY sounds like he would make a great Megatron. and I am glad this Songtober song was completed.
  • @TheVera800
    The light and the dark fight. Their own ideals more important than all the surrounding universe. They ARE the center of their own universe. The only thing that can stop them are those who were controlled by their will. Rising up as a single chorus, a single flame. Pretty poetic, is it not?
  • @roguestar9141
    One thing I loved about this fight is that if Galeem and Dharkon were to actually work together and see you as an actual threat, they could have easily won. The problem is that they let their hatred for each other get in the way, and they treated the fighters like a minor nuisance. I feel like this this portrayed really well in this song, yet another banger from MOTI!
  • @penitente3337
    The part where the actual Lifelight started playing with the chorus actually gave me shivers. The entire lyrics are incredible, so many dark mirrors of Lifelight and small references. also how interesting that you chose to play Bowser after what Juno uploaded today hmm
  • @amiiboguy7288
    “Do you not fear insanity’s hand?” “Do you not know your master’s firm hand?” Anyone else catch this Master and Crazy Hand reference?
  • Nintendo straight up said "screw it, let's put biblically accurate angels in our game"
  • Wait... at the end of the "Lifelight" chorus, there are the first three phrases of the Brawl theme... GENIUS!