Catholic Marrying a Non Catholic? Here's What You Need To Know.

Elizabeth discusses the challenges and considerations when Catholics marry non-Catholics. She candidly explores the complexities of such marriages, touching on aspects like practicing faith, sexual morality, and raising children. Whether you're a Catholic contemplating such a union or someone interested in understanding the dynamics, this video provides valuable insights.

Get Elizabeth's ebook "10 Questions to Ask at the Beginning of Your Relationship" for free:

00:00 Introduction
00:28 Marriage is Hard.
02:14 Hardship 1: Practicing Your Faith
03:57 Hardship 2: Sexual Morality
07:54 Hardship 2.2: Masturbation in Marriage
08:49 Hardship 3: Raising Children
10:39 The Path to Sainthood is Unique
12:34 My Personal Journey

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コメント (21)
  • @Sumbaddy129
    I left the faith in my mid 20s. Met a girl, fell in love, got married had 2 kids then I found Jesus again. Reverted back to Catholicism, got my kids baptized and my wife eventually enrolled into the RCIA last year.
  • Looking forward to more Catholic content on navigating marriage with a non practicing Catholic
  • This video was very timely for me as a Protestant (potentially) dating a Catholic. Helps me understand some of the things we will need to wrestle with over the next few months. While the specifics may differ, the principles pretty much align with any two Christians from different backgrounds dating each other. It is very critical that you are both on the same page about core issues of belief and practice. Appreciate the clear and gracious presentation. Blessings!
  • Greetings from Slovakia! First of all thanks for your work and publishing entire TOB team. I think this is not easy topic an thanks for your love with you prepare the video and covey the message. Video is mainly focused on marriage of catholic and non catholic Christians. Topic as intro picture is showing is even wider so maybe space for enhancement to part 2 🙂. I would be also Happy for recommendation of more materials on this topic ( but approved by catholic church). I found just a book from Robert J. Hater " when a catholic marries a non-catholic.
  • @Laura-ef3mm
    Thanks for this video Elizabeth 🥲 I'm dating a non-catholic (though he has the sacraments) and actually I was thinking about this these days. He´s such a sweetie, such a beautiful man, and we are talking more frecuently about the future, about us getting married. I presented to him this channel really early in the relationship so he can understand my beliefs haha (maybe he'll read my comment, lol, hi love!!) and, though he doesn't agreed 100% with everything, he seems open with the things you mentioned in this video. But I'll not lie that it makes me a little anxious sometimes, specially now that I've started praying a lot more and find myself much more closer to the faith than ever before. I'm afraid that maybe God has another plans. But well... I have to be more pacient and trust the Lord, let all in His hands and be confident that He wants the best for us... Prayers are welcome ❤ and thanks again!!! Edit: greetings from Argentina 🇦🇷☺! Sorry if my English is off haha
  • I so had to watch this. It has been a need of the hour for me especially being a married with a non practicing Catholic.
  • @bethm5954
    This is so helpful to me as I am trying to discern marrying a nonCatholic. Thank you very much for being so direct and specific in what the difficulties will be- much appreciated and exactly the answers I was looking for.
  • @b8akaratn
    Wow, opposite direction here... I'm the Protestant, agreed to a Catholic wedding (when my orig. preference at the time was for an Elvis impersonator at a Vegas 'chapel'). He's now out (#longstories) but he left me with a pretty deep quest for more liturgical/scriptural knowledge. ...Love your videos! Including The Meme Interjections 😂
  • @Mikoutca357
    I became catholic this past Easter after being raised protestant. My wife is still protestant. It's a funny dynamic navigating an existing marriage as a baby Catholic. Thanks for your video especially the story about your childhood and your mom going to mass before everyone was up. God bless.
  • @cpelo2536
    This is great content and deserves more views. Keep up the good work.
  • @aracelir4311
    I am Catholic, I married a man who was baptized Catholic, raised Protestant, but thinks as an agnostic. NO I do not recommend it at all. We have 6 children. Only by the grace of God are we still together, but every day is a terrible battle to maintain balance and peace.
  • @KM-qu3oe
    Could you please make a video about a Catholic and non religious non Christian who date?
  • @83leela
    Never date to convert, it rarely works! We as sinners are already struggling in our own faith, how are we supposed to convert our spouse and worry about our spiritual life at the same time? Its never worth it, plus its really not allowed.
  • @LETTO2366
    you may love someone who's not a catholic or Christian but it's a hard thing to marry that person or to move on and look for someone with the same beliefs as you.
  • @uikmnhj4me
    Don’t you have to not only baptize your children catholic but also RAISE THEM catholic? So your spouse has to be on board with your children going to catholic mass every Sunday, not just choosing which church they want
  • Scripture indicates not to do so in the book of Tobit. I'm sure in other places as well.
  • @huntsman528
    4:50 okay, hold on. I am a Protestant and I've gone through marriage counseling and NOBODY asks "What birth control are you doing". Doctors maybe, but nobody in the church. This is not being truthful.