I Found Fulfillment in Christ's Church

She was Protestant until she researched that Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church. The Bible that she knew and loved growing up was compiled and canonized by the Catholic Church. She truly found the pearl of great price, Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. All hearts were made by God for Catholicism.

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コメント (21)
  • Gaby I don’t know how to thank you for all your hard word. Since I started watching your videos I’m taking more seriously my catholic faith. I hope one day we can have videos in Spanish for the Hispanic Community I always want to show your videos to my friends but they don’t understand English😢 Anyway I pray for you and all the people that helps you with your videos
  • I converted from Islam in 2020 at the age of 43 and became a Catholic. I discovered that Jesus was with me since i was a child. He was leading me to his church. My wife followed after a year and we are a now a Christian Catholic family blessed by God. Greetings to you all from ur Catholic brother from Beirut Lebanon
  • Born Catholic, then became an atheist after my Army days. I thought Science and Reason had all the answers. I was wrong. I learned. Today, whenever someone asks me who I work for, I just smile and say, “My boss is a carpenter.” Viva Christo Rey! Salve Regina!
  • Hindu --> Pentecostal --> Catholic Love from Indian Catholic
  • The Eucharist is what drew me into more of the Catholic Church. I had an atheist friend that would visit me in the Catholic chapel on base while I was the Catholic Assistant. I would often describe the Mass to him, but I kept telling him that what I describe and actually being there are two different things. So, one day he finally came to Mass, and I was helping the priest out as usual, at the offering of the sign of peace, I looked at him and he was in tears. Going up to him I asked what was wrong and that's when he pointed up at the Eucharist shaking and saying, "There's something there." I smiled and said, "Yes, I know. That's why I'm Catholic." Sadly, he died a few months later.
  • I am Indonesian and I am Javanese Catholic and I am grateful to be Catholic
  • @bp-ob8ic
    Raised Catholic, but have drifted for most of my adult life. This stabbed me in the heart. Time to go back home.
  • I feel the same way. I recently went to a Roman Catholic Mass, and I was blown away by the dignity and reverence. It was beautiful and timeless.
  • I am a life-long Protestant converting. A few years ago I began having some of the same feelings and experiences that this young woman described. I am starting RCIA (OCIA) Feb. 2024 at St. Francis here in Cuenca, Ecuador, where I am living as an American retired expat. I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 7 years old in a Babtist Sunday school room in Delton, Michigan. I am now 58. It is amazing how God works and leads when you listen to and follow Him. I am so exited to be a part of the true Church! Confirmation will be in July!
  • Born as a protestant, and converted to Catholic. Then I learned the difference of novo ordo and the latin mass. I love the latin mass. Being Catholic since 4-11-2022. Everything you say, i recognize. Thank you for sharing.
  • @papanerd3742
    Catholic convert here as well. I was received into the Church on Easter Vigil of 2022. Best decision I have ever made in my life. Praise be to God and his Church.
  • Just started looking into Catholicism this past summer, and first Mass (TLM) in November. During the first Mass, my 3 year old said "this feels familiar". Praise God!
  • One thing I've learnt about my Catholic faith is that, it is never about me. It's about Jesus Christ, serving him and worship him. The Saints taught us that, it is soo fulfilling to surrender all our thoughts about our future and learn to listen in silence. Give up our control and let God in.
  • @evecali2920
    Thank you Lord, I was born a Catholic, I will die a Catholic.
  • I converted from Lutheran at 18. I had what I feel was a message from God at approximately 6 and was told to honor my parents wishes and to make the change later. I went to college and converted when I turned 18. I’ve never looked back and I’m so happy to be Catholic.
  • I was a Baptist preacher's kid. I was dating a Catholic guy (who is now my husband) and was inspired to really seek a relationship with Christ. He loved his Faith and watching his relationship with Christ sparked my interest in Catholic Faith. I had no intentions of being Catholic until I attended a Mass. I converted to Catholicism in 2014. It was the reverence that I found profound and knew this was the one true Faith. I am blessed to have my husband who was patient and knew his faith as he helped guide me as i discerned becoming Catholic. He literally saved my soul and I am forever grateful for that!
  • @MrRick461
    So special what a gift of grace. I invited my Baptist girlfriend to the mass 34 years ago. Yesterday we celebrated our 33d marriage Anniversary she converted and we made it official with the marriage sacrament soon after. I love her so much and it was through Jesus we endured many storms.
  • I was born and baptized Catholic, live as Catholic and will die as Carholic. Never in my life that I will renounce my faith. Please pray the 15 decades of the Holy Rosary for the salvation of your soul and others. God bless you all my dearest brothers and sisters in Jesus and Mary.
  • @PInk77W1
    “I just know Jesus and the Church are one” St Joan of Arc
  • As a cradle Chaldean Catholic that lost his faith at 20 and now, 45 years old, have rediscovered my faith, this video makes me so happy. The Apostolic Church is the real home of anyone that loves our Savior. The Sacraments, the tradition and the direct line through succession to Jesus Christ Himself , everything is available for real salvation. All Glory be to the King of Kings. Deus Vult