Grace Harlowe's Junior Year at High School: Chapter XVIII. The Play's the Thing

Published 2024-05-21
Visual Description: A woman wearing a blue, prairie revival-style dress sits and faces the camera. Her brown hair has been poofed up in the front and is worn in two braids, meant to evoke the idea of an Edwardian schoolgirl. She reads from a faded old book, held carefully in her gloved hands. She wears blue-rimmed eyeglasses that help her to see the words on the page, a subtle reminder that this video was filmed in the 21st century. There are bookshelves filled with a variety of books behind her.

Description: Take a stroll back in time with me, as I read to you about Grace Harlowe’s high school days. Follow the fictional adventures of miss Harlowe as she pursues her education. Marvel at how much has changed in the last century, while also acknowledging that some things stay the same. People of the past did many things we still today, like play sports, form sororities or clubs with their friends, and put on plays. Listen along as I read to you from “Grace Harlowe’s Junior Year at High School,” which was first published in 1911 and written by a woman named Josephine Chase.