How to Track a Human | Tactical Tracking

Published 2023-03-10
Tracking is not a very commonly talked about skill, at least anymore. We did a video on tracking a while back with Seaux Larreau that you can find in our video archive, where he taught the basics of the step by step method. Those are the basic building blocks of the skill. In that video he mentioned Peter Kerr with TTOS (Tactical Tracking Operations School) . Peter teaches tactical tracking to close with the individual as rapidly as possible. Peter has been on counter drug task forces, taught swat teams and helped with Border security.

Well, we finally convinced Peter to share some of his knowledge with us… and you. This was really eye opening for us.

If you’ve spent a bunch of time outdoors you’ve most likely given at least some thought to what a useful skill this can be in so many contexts. Other than just tactical applications it’s useful for finding missing people, hunting or maybe finding your own way back to safety, just to name a few that come to mind.

Unfortunately, just like any other skill, you can get some great knowledge from watching this but you gotta go outside and play to develop these skills. Hopefully you find this useful, as well as a good motivator to go spend some time outside learning it for yourself.

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All Comments (21)
  • Dad said he was going to liquor store 15 years ago, finally found him. Thanks TR!
  • I took a tracking class by them in North Carolina. Good skill for tracking lost or unarmed people. Tracking an armed person is a good way to get unalived while you’re focused on spore
  • A really fun training game I used to do as a teen was to get a group of friends together, find a nice large chunk of Wildland, give one or two of the group an hour headstart. Then the rest of the group tracks and closes the distance. Like extreme hide and seek. We ended up teaching ourselves allot of the techniques shown in this video.
  • @dtna
    I don't know if he's retired now, but Scott Donelan from Africa is one of the best trackers around. He used to teach the U.S. Border Patrol.
  • @PeteMiller
    Another tip I picked up from a Tactical Tracking Class: Every 2nd or 3rd set of prints, use your measuring stick/weapon/etc and do a 270 arc with the device and have everyone look at the arc to look for possible hides or places to hole-up. Just because a track goes in a particular direction does NOT mean that the subject is fully intent on that direction! The subject could be leading off to a place where they can obfuscate their tracks and direction, so as to go back to the hide location!
  • Most Canadian hunters have some kind of tracking ability. I also have some skills. I've noticed American hunters love to wait in blinds to shoot, but because of the large population of predatory beasts here in Canada, we normally have to keep moving, or the other extreme of camouflaging yourself and snipe from a long distance. Animal tracking tips: Learn the feces of all animals of your region. Learn the footprints. Look for broken stems that are low to the ground. Look for blood droppings on leaves. Looking carefully at a clear footprint you can see the depth of certain angles to weight, speed, direction, and where its' major injury is located. Closely examining a scat sample by feeling its texture to determine when it shat. Smell will aid in time. Follow game trails. Look for watering holes. Look for caves or crevasses. Look up, cougars have a tendency to hang out in trees and sometimes will pounce from above. . . There is so much I want to divulge, but I'm sure most would not appreciate it. I hope this helps a little.
  • Holy crap thanks for making this I have always thought I was ok at tracking foot steps that how we find friends when they get separated in the woods from us here in south FL but learned a ton more from this!
  • @ltgreen6626
    I remember, I think it was 1981/82 while stationed at FT. Bragg, being sent to JOTC at FT.Sherman Panama. It was their jungle operation jungle survival school, man that was a long time ago. I believe we parachuted at the French Canal. Brings back memories. During Grenada Invasion, I was sent out a couple times to do some tracking. I sometimes go out on my remote property and track animals, just for fun, keep my skills up. But if I dont go out for a while, I overlook things, realized i have to sit down, slow down,focus, and remember, attention to detail.
  • I love this! I am pretty good at tracking animals in my home environment in Maine and I got an opportunity to learn some desert tracking in Arizona but tracking people sounds exhilarating!
  • Glad to see interest growing in tracking please do more on the subject! Would love to take a deep dive into more of the Psychology aspect, presenter was great.
  • Awesome video so much info packed into a short time. I love these practical videos can't wait for the next installment.
  • @pufdadie
    as a young army cadet (prior to my ADF service) I attended an Arustralian Army tracking course for two weeks. Amazing. However the Aboriginal trackers can jog when tracking, they're so good
  • @pacediver2594
    Definitely one of the best demonstrations and explanation of tracking very informative
  • @neonhavok
    Was glued to the screen the whole time, very fun learning experience also love an oppurtunity to see karl pull his goofy stunts 😂
  • @rdsmith334
    Good intro. You can incorporate a lot of this into property defense, if you’re securing a large property. Go figure out the lines of drift in your property, look for and identify spoor traps, on those lines of drift. If there’s not one, make one, by setting a small obstacle across the line and prepping the ground on the other side of the obstacle, for tracks. Cellular game cams are good too
  • @xrampx3339
    I hate how it took only the first 30 seconds for this to be the coolest video I ever seen
  • Thanks for the great video. It was a great introduction to principles to build on.