Narcissistic Father or Mother: Bizarre Things they Think You OWE Them

In this video, I talk about some of the bizarre things your narcissistic parents think you owe them.

If you're finally ready to get your dysfunctional, narcissistic family out of you and enjoy a life free of their toxic grip, here's how I can help👇🏼

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➡️ Recommended Playlists: Outgrowing Dysfunctional Family Patterns -    • Outgrowing Narcissistic Family Dynamics   Break Free from Narcissistic Parents & Families -    • Breaking Free from Narcissistic Paren...   Adult Children of Alcoholics: Heal & Change the Pattern -    • Alcoholic Narcissistic Parents & Family  

➡️ You can also find me on: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Spotify:…

Jerry Wise, MA, MS, CLC, has helped 1000s of people in the same situation as you. As a family and self-differentiation coach, he uses his 45 years of experience to help clients get permanently unstuck from family-of-origin dysfunction, cultivate healthy relationships, and build a true sense of self.

DISCLAIMER: This video is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional counseling. Be sure to consult a professional to help you integrate and utilize these concepts.

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コメント (21)
  • As a caregiver, i get so angry at our society at large for romanticizing caring for aging parents, especially if the parents are toxic parents.
  • My mother thought I owed her my life so she stole it from me. I was an extension of her. When I tried to assert myself I was punished.
  • @lisad6106
    Finally went no contact with my mother at 61. I am as concerned with her old age as she was/is concerned with my abusive childhood.
  • Am i the only one or does everyone in the comments find so much peace knowing you are not the only one that has parents that are so toxic. I had to cut off my Mom and Step Dad because they get so much pleasure in blaming me for every family mistake!
  • @mapleleaf902
    I didn't go my abusive father's funeral. He did enough damage.
  • Parents act like a stork dropped a baby on their doorstep in a rain storm one night, and after some deliberation, they both decided out of the goodness of their hearts that they shouldn't just let it die out there by morning.
  • @DiePr
    1. feel guilt for being born 2. take care of them 3. dont be "selfish" 4. give them total control 5. your time
  • If they ever say "you were a mistake" I would quickly just quip back with "it's nice to finally hear you own up to one of your mistakes" 🤣
  • @annem7806
    Anyone else hear: What would the neighbors think? 😂
  • Recovering from narcissists is not easy becasue you never feel like your life is your own. You are trained from birth to put others needs ahead of your own and also trained never to set boundaries. So you grow up becoming servents to toxic people that recognize your vulnerability. I feel like so much of my life has been wasted. I am healing with time. Its hard work but worth it.
  • @sundown6748
    The best thing I think you can do with narc parents is agree with them for everything but secretly plan your escape.
  • @Akcd11r2002
    Respond logically, don’t react emotionally.
  • My mother went ape s… crazy when I moved out at 26. She’d wanted me to stay with her forever as a barrier between her and my father. She taught me all men are awful and told me often to never get married. She’s long gone now and my hubby and I are celebrating 44 years. So glad I walked out
  • @mariadinn4441
    My mother is dying of cancer. I have been communicating with her more because her time is limited. Bad idea! She’s come at me with all the same toxic “something is wrong with you! You’re mentally ill”. Ive been a wreck. I’ve gone back to no contact. I should have never gone back to her. It kills me. I’ll never be ok for her. The only cure for this pain is to stay away from her. That’s what I’ve found.
  • I had to literally move 500 miles away to protect my peace and my children's peace from my selfish mother.
  • @newname2664
    You don't get a trophy for doing the bare minimum the law requires to keep your children alive.😅😅😅
  • @roots1458
    Both of my parents have passed. I have never visited their graves. It's never even been a serious consideration. I hope for their peace. And most importantly, my peace.
  • Before I went no contact with my mother she would say some BS thing attempting to control me by tossing a guilt/ shame bomb, I would just say calmly, "You can think that if you want to." She never had a reply. Once, I started to figure all of this out it became much easier to not fall for the trap. Now I see her for what she is jealous and manipulative.