Why The Bible Began | SHOCKING Evidence

Published 2023-11-14
Grab a copy of "Why The Bible Began" by Dr. Jacob L. Wright - amzn.to/3ufet2T

Why did no other ancient society produce something like the Bible? That a tiny, out of the way community could have created a literary corpus so determinative for peoples across the globe seems improbable.

For Jacob Wright, the Bible is not only a testimony of survival, but also an unparalleled achievement in human history. Forged after Babylon's devastation of Jerusalem, it makes not victory but total humiliation the foundation of a new idea of belonging. Lamenting the destruction of their homeland, scribes who composed the Bible imagined a promise-filled past while reflecting deeply on abject failure. More than just religious scripture, the Bible began as a trailblazing blueprint for a new form of political community. Its response to catastrophe offers a powerful message of hope and restoration that is unique in the Ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman worlds.

Wright's Bible is thus a social, political, and even economic roadmap - one that enabled a small and obscure community located on the periphery of leading civilizations and empires not just to come back from the brink, but ultimately to shape the world's destiny. The Bible speaks ultimately of being a united yet diverse people, and its pages present a manual of pragmatic survival strategies for communities confronting societal collapse.

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All Comments (21)
  • Grab a copy of "Why The Bible Began" by Dr. Jacob L. Wright - amzn.to/3ufet2T "Hey guys, this is Jacob (Dr. Wright) . :) I'm really blown away by the reception! It's very encouraging! I'm also glad to know Derek now! If you'd like me to do Zoom sessions with your communities, I'm happy to do so. I put my heart and soul in this book, and I'm so glad people are finding it helpful. Please help me get the word out about in any way you can. And please drop a review on Amazon--I love to read them. All the proceeds go to Atlanta Mission. Please help them directly if you can! Thanks to you all, and thanks to you Derek. Let's do it again soon, dude, but get more into the weeds this time. :)
  • @amandaaq8984
    As someone who spent a lot of my life as a Jehovahs Witness and now have freed myself and become an atheist, I am so happy to see this information finally getting out to people. Definitely getting the book!
  • It is difficult to determine when a story began, because humans have been sharing stories around a campfire as long as there have been humans and campfires, and the stories keep being elaborated and changed over the generations.
  • @dusk_en
    Absolutely amazing stuff.. I may have left Christianity over a decade ago but I'm still fascinated with understanding more about how this religion came to be
  • @Roberta_7777
    This was an amazing interview, with Mr. Wright. I would love to see more of him. He made it all make sense. Thank you.
  • Derek is the hardest-working YouTuber with the best content, and this interview was no exception. Now I have to get the book too!
  • @calanm7880
    My copy is arriving in Scotland tomorrow! Between this and books like “God: An Anatomy”, my deconversion from evangelicalism must really be messing with online algorithms 😂. I still have these moments of wanting to both laugh and cry at the same time, when my brain sees the reality behind what I’d followed for decades as mystical truth that others couldn’t see. These texts as a way of dealing with economic/ military/ political defeat actually become more beautiful to me: I can put myself in that position. And it seriously helps me to hand them back to these contexts, thank the writers for the good stuff - we got great paintings & music from Bach, Handel, Palestrina etc and cool buildings that I love. They were gifted writers of poetry & story, and did the best they could in times of catastrophe: which Professor Wright helpfully points that we are in today on a cliff edge. With all the benefits we have, let’s together do better than this. I think this book will help me to do better in this world, and inwardly let some things go
  • @beaker5538
    Derek, you do such a BEAUTIFUL JOB of presenting religious historical facts. Thank YOU!
  • @TheGoldenBear79
    I just wanted to say thank you to both of you gentlemen. I’m a scientist at heart, so I look for answers to everything I can, and like it or not I want the truth. That’s why I appreciate MythVision. I certainly hope you both will do this again. Again thank you both, and best wishes to you and your family’s. ✌️🇺🇸
  • @sasha1suz
    This is one of my favorite podcasts. The interviews are always informative, interesting, and enlightening. Thanks for all your hard work presenting this podcast.
  • @Peekaboo-Kitty
    The Ancient Israelites wrote the Tanak in order to give themselves a Cultural identity, just as all the other Nations around them had a Historical narrative from which they formed their Cultural identity. Egypt for example, had a very rich Cultural identity and had texts such as "The Pyramid Texts", "The Egyptian Book of the Dead", the "42 Laws of Maat Under Kemet Law", "The Book of the Opening of the Mouth" (a liturgy of Funerary Offerings), "The Burden of Isis" (Love Hymns to Isis), "The Story of the Book of Thoth", "The Wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus", just to name a few. So Israel needed something like this as well.
  • @mikerikos2856
    I spend most of my life with the Jehovah Witness after these years the true light started to shining thank you. I order this book to reed from tomorrow
  • @bennyhinrichs
    Please bring this dude back for more, this was awesome. Grabbing the book!
  • @danlee9293
    Shocking evidence? What evidence? It could be a plausible narrative, but it's not an evidence.
  • @kjmav10135
    I recognised the very obvious exile-and-return pattern in the Hebrew Scriptures when I was a teenager. It’s every single story of the first 11 chapters of Genesis. I was so proud of myself for figuring that out, though!
  • @TheronGBurrough
    I sincerely appreciate Prof. Wright’s perspective on leadership’s storytelling to get people to unite. People do that. That was my own conclusion recently. When someone who is not your real leader and doesn’t even like you starts telling tales, that’s often just an invasion.
  • @jackwestofficial
    When I learned that the Exodus story of millions of Hebrew slaves was more likely a work of fiction I wondered if its purpose then was to be an origination story for a people, to give them a sense of identity and a space to belong in the world. Dr. Wright's research and insights profoundly delve right into that, levels deep. Thank you!
  • @RobertWGreaves
    When one reads the Bible as if it is a serialized novel constructed by various editors, it is a bit like binge watching Once Upon a Time. It is very very entertaining, dramatic, full of violence, struggle, love and victory.
  • @11mr.niceguy11
    Spoiler Alert. Best part . We're not looking to offend anyone. If you are offended by this. Then maybe, you should grow up.
  • @davashorb6116
    Thanks for making the works of these terrific scholars so accessible. I am now happily Yahweh-Free, due in great part to their diligent work.