Your Bible is CORRUPTED | Bart D. Ehrman

Published 2023-10-23
Sign up for Bart Ehrman's course Scribal Corruption of Scripture -

Bart's new course "The Scribal Corruption of Scripture: How The Bible Was Changed And How Readers May Never Know," delves into the heart of one of the most crucial questions for those interested in the Christian religion: How can we be sure we have the original writings of the New Testament?

In a world where the first copies made by the authors have been lost to time, and we possess only hand-written copies of copies, often created centuries later, this course explores the authenticity of the New Testament texts.

While these lectures draw inspiration from Bart's best-selling book, there's no need to have read it to fully appreciate this course. Instead of simply rehashing the book's content, Bart will take a novel approach to essential questions, introducing fresh examples and diverse arguments to delve into the complexities of deciphering the original New Testament writings from surviving manuscripts.

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All Comments (21)
  • @brucecook502
    I also don't understand how the Catholic church, or even protestants can think that Jesus was even trying to start a church when it was blatantly obvious that Jesus thought the world was about to come to an end during his own generation. Why start a movement that you believe or want to continue, especially for thousands of years when you think your God is going to bring an end to the Earth as they knew it within the next few decades at best?
  • @MrKit9
    Well of course they changed it. You don't think a pamphlet to help the poor and needy would ever give any one power and line their pockets, do you?
  • I grew up in the 100 Acre Wood. We were taught that the Book of Pooh and the Life of Piglet were Canon. As I grew up I realized that, this may have been corrupted.
  • @orendungan3455
    I cannot get enough of Dr. Ehrman so quietly, so completely, and so irrevocably correcting mis-apprehension after mis-interpretation after mis-representation. Apologists will shout and gesticulate but the facts have no need of such displays. They simply are the facts, and to have them delivered with such a soft-spoken, calming charm is exactly the scholarship we need. Thank you both. It is always a treat.
  • @AtamMardes
    "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." Voltaire
  • Of course these writers tried to corrupt the text; their goal was never truth - just control.
  • @Lemme-sniff-ya
    Imagine thinking the world is the devils domain but a book that has been edited more then once can't be touched by him.
  • Nobody knows any of this stuff for sure. Just live your life the best you can without hurting others mentally or physically.
  • @dancingdamselfly
    I read one of Bart D. Ehrman’s books the same year I turned 30 years old, and I could never return to my Christian faith. I grew up in the born-again, non-denominational denomination, which I now view as a fundamentalist cult. And I credit Dr. Ehrman with pulling me out of it. I am turning 42 this year, and it has been a long and challenging exodus, but I am so grateful to have come across his work 12 years ago.
  • @sinjin1259
    One time, I told a lady she broke the law. I cited how she did it, where she was, the date, the time and I even referenced the body of law that she offended. I didn't just say she broke the law. If a man has altered an historic tome - the accusation should go something like this: On Monday March 4th 1135 at approximately 8:15 in the morning, while located at the Castle of Mythvision, Ignatius Treadway was observed making false scrivener entries while scribing Ehrman's Book of the Corrupted and Other Such Certainties. When asked why, Ignatius Treadway stated that his hand was cramping up and he needed to shorten the speeches. This action is a violation of The Holy Scrivener Pact of Bartleby. See? Facts support my accusation, else why would I accuse Ignatius? Doing so would be misleading supposition.
  • @theophilos0910
    When I did my undergraduate work under C.K. Barrett in Theology at Durham in the UK way back in the 1970s, the first example of ‘scribal corruption’ that was discussed was 1 John chapter 5:7(‘as it is written, Only by the testimony of two or three witnesses shall there be enough evidence to establish facts in a case in order to pass any [including death] sentence—and we have three witnesses even the blood, the water & the spirit’ where the scribes after the year 450 CE began changing the text to read, ‘even the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit’… which is a deliberate scribal corruption of the earlier handwritten ms copies done ‘to place the text more in line with what pass’d for ‘later trinitarian orthodoxy’ which is not otherwise found in NT canonical texts …
  • @gavrilopricip11
    Imagine scholars debating the validity of Lord of the Rings or Herry Potter 2000 years from now?....
  • Bart does not mention the community of Ebionite Jewish-Christians who lived in a walled village on the Western Hill of Jerusalem ( believed in the time of Constantine to go back 200 years from then). Their synagogue was once a large house dating from before 70 CE which some scholars think was the main meeting place of the 1st century Jewish-Christians.
  • God bless; I am a Christian believer who believes there is corruption from within the original texts. May gods truth be fully found!!
  • @wendymaree
    I remember reading in Genesis (Garden of Eden)--well over a decade ago--that not only would women suffer greatly in childbirth BUT they'd be ruled over by men and treated as doormats. The latter seems to have disappeared from the Scriptures. BTW, Jesus never described himself as God, the Father, but as the son of God. He described the Father, the source of all life, Yahweh, as perfect and the greatest of all. Jesus said He only said and did what He heard and saw the Father doing. In versions of The Bible I've read, Jesus renamed Simon 'Cefus' which means 'rock'. Jesus said, 'Upon this rock I will build my church.' Makes perfect sense as Jesus spoke of building a house upon a rock---giving it a strong foundation--instead of upon sand which wasn't sturdy or lasting.
  • @sdl1998
    Just wanna say, great probing and clarifying questions by the host. Something sadly absent in most these days. Long time student and learned much listening to this 😊
  • @JopJio
    The big problem in my opinion is that the books don't even go back to its alleged authors. Jewish sources for example confirm that the scribe Ezra re-established the torah after it has been forgotten. Many passages of todays torah cant even have been written by Moses and can only have been written long after Moses, e.g. the passage which says that until this day Moses grave is unknown or that until today there was no prophet like Moses in Israel. So there must have been a long time between Moses and the text written. Genesis also doesnt mention Moses once. There are so many problems alone with the allegded books Moses.
  • @Narsty_Boy
    Many Christians worship the Bible as though it were an idol. This always bothered me.
  • @user-sb6hk2bd3f
    A person on here said we don’t know any of this for sure . I think their are Scholars who have studied for years and pulled back the layers I think some of them are sit on with the critical thinking that they do . Thanks Dr. Erhman For all that you teach we need it now more than ever .