Was Majora's Mask 3D a Bad Remake? (N64 comparison and review)

A giant nerd takes you on a journey through the questionable changes made in Nintendo's highly demanded remake. Contains strong language, Tingle.
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コメント (21)
  • There's no eloquent way to say this, but putting a giant eyeball on every boss is incredibly stupid.
  • @sock2828
    The change to the ice arrows is truly bafflingly. Why would they do that?
  • Man I never really realized that the Zora form in MM is honestly one of the only times in gaming where swimming controls were actually amazing.
  • Easily one of the most iconic thumbnails YouTube has ever seen
  • @rsarin18
    "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad" Majora's Mask: I'm about to end this quote's whole career
  • It seems like there are some higher-ups at Nintendo who absolutely lose their minds any time a playtester becomes confused or overwhelmed for any amount of time. With the slightest provocation they'll add in obtrusive hints, slow the game down, and remove options so that a player can't possibly do the wrong thing.
  • I love how they brightened OoT, but brightening MM felt like a betrayal of the original tone.
  • As a 3ds player I HATED the swimming parts I'm shook to see how the original swimming system look so smooth !
  • @broomguy7
    Having the transformation masks on the 3 unused d-pad directions is such an obvious, intuitive, and simple improvement that Nintendo could never even consider it.
  • @Samevi
    There's a patch for the 3DS version of the game that fixes basically everything wrong with it, and it's genuinely my favorite way to play Majora's Mask now. Love this game.
  • Every bad design decision feels like a revelation since I’ve only played the remake. How have I been living like this?
  • I love how you’re so self aware of the thumbnail that you decided to just embrace it and make it your whole channel icon
  • Majora's Mask is ONE exception of a rushed game being eternally good. Holy sh*t, I get it! There are other games that were rushed that turned out to be good, just STOP REPLYING “MELEE FALLOUT NEW VEGAS AND SHIT WERE RUSHED”
  • Something about Odolwa you didn’t mention is how much his new animations lessened his threat level. In the original, he was like a determined and quick-witted swordsman. In the 3DS version, right from the getgo in his introduction, he looks more clumsy and tired and now has moves that further cement this new look of him.
  • @turtledog5050
    Truly one of the most recognizable thumbnails out there
  • There's something really really sad about how the original text when you get the Ice Arrows goes "Try them everywhere!" and in the 3DS remake you can only try them when the game wants you to, that's just really depressing
  • Youtube was selling me on this video HARD! remained on my recommended for weeks
  • @bapho-p
    I remember my general reaction to the remake being something akin to "man, this just doesn't feel as good." I was a little afraid I was just blinded by my love for the N64 original, but it's nice to see someone put it into words. I was never able to explain exactly what the changes did to it that made me like it less, because I was usually talking to people who bounced off the original anyway. It's just kinda nice to know I'm not insane. The swimming was also a huge disappointment, good god. Even as an adult, I'd happily just swim around for a while.
  • MM3D was my first time playing Majora's Mask and I genuinely wondered how people thought the deku jumping was so good. I genuinely thought I was doing something wrong, and I'm just now learning that they broke it on purpose.