What Went Wrong with the UK Pension System

Published 2024-04-28
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The UK is currently facing its worst pension crisis in decades with millions living in relative poverty. So in this video, we'll explain the history of pension policy in the UK, what's gone wrong recently and what can be done to address the problem.

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1 - ageing-better.org.uk/news/50-years-progress-agains…
2 - www.jrf.org.uk/savings-debt-and-assets/how-do-we-d…
3 - ageing-better.org.uk/news/50-years-progress-agains…
4 - ifs.org.uk/publications/future-state-pension
5 - data.oecd.org/pension/net-pension-replacement-rate…
6 - www.resolutionfoundation.org/press-releases/famili…
7 - www.politico.eu/article/george-osborne-uk-pension-…
8 - www.ft.com/content/7135dc5e-a167-4d71-973d-f6b3657…
9 - www.economicsobservatory.com/why-has-it-taken-so-l…

All Comments (21)
  • @TLDRnews
    CORRECTION: At 0:55, we imply that the state pension age in the UK is 65, when it actually went up to 66 in 2020. Some commenters have also questioned our use of "net replacement rate" as a metric of pensioner wealth. For context, net pension replacement rate is defined as net pension entitlement relative to net pre-retirement earnings. To be fair, in certain respects this isn't the bet way of comparing pensions internationally, because countries with lower wages will generally have higher "replacement rates", but equally you wouldn't just want to use an absolute measure, because that would overstate the prosperity of pensioners in countries with higher wages, even if they were relatively poor within those countries. Anyway, we hope you nonetheless enjoyed the video!
  • @kboci88
    Each time I watch a TLDR video about the UK I am wondering what the hell I am still doing in this country.
  • @kenhilton8007
    This is a disgraceful misrepresentation. The destruction of UK pensions was caused by Gordon Brown removing dividend tax credits for pension funds in the late 1990s, lowering UK pension scheme revenues by £5billion per annum leading to the virtual wipe out of final salary pensions. Prior to that Thatcher’s policies had left most pension funds. with significant surpluses
  • @sommersalt88
    I have two pensions. I would much rather have had a Roth 401k throughout my working lifetime. 500/month invested from 25 - 65 at 9% is 2.3mil. I hate my job but can't leave because of I won't get my state pension. What do you think about doing a 70/30 stocks bond ratio?
  • @fakename45
    It all comes back to a lack of affordable housing. A lack of affordable housing = couples putting off having kids = smaller number of workers for a larger number of pensioners
  • @Dublinby
    what went wrong with the UK should be your next video
  • @PheonixAsh1983
    When I was in school my maths teacher warned us not to rely on getting a state pension as it was not mathematically viable. 40 year old me is happy I had a great teacher and am not replying on receiving one in order to retire.
  • @thearpox7873
    "X perfect of pensioners are below the poverty line!" And how many NON-pensions are below the poverty line?! If everyone is poor, and the pensioners are also poor, you don't have a problem with the pensions system. You just have a problem.
  • @mandrakejake
    One thing you didn't mention is how private pensions can be sold off and devalued, reducing the pot you paid into. It's another scam
  • @Ianmundo
    I’m from the UK and moved to Iceland 🇮🇸 14 years ago, not sure why Iceland appears so low in the stats in this video. There are mandatory pensions plus private pension savings. In the years I have worked here my Icelandic pension is ~£2000 per month, which is already better than the full UK State pension, and is on track to afford me a comfortable retirement.
  • @Canadish
    Is anything actually working here?
  • @ash7324
    Save for your old age, because they’ll try their hardest to make sure you never see your state pension.
  • @stuartregan1627
    Hows about we start reforming public pensions . 2.6 Trillion liabilities . Civil servents retiring early with million pound pension pots but telling the scaffolders & bricklayers they need to work to 67 & up because there is no money . Money for them though . Absolutely disgusting.
  • @DarylSolis
    Did you know that in the UK, only 11% of pensioners collect their full pension. The rest goes back to the gov once they die. And you see declining health and well being in this country with our deteriorating healthcare system ...let that sink in, and realise what is really going on here.
  • @peterholt4806
    You missed 2 massive events. In 1978 there was a 2% rise in NI to fund the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (SERPS). This meant that everyone working 40 years would get 50% of their final salary each year on top of the static state pension. If you wished, you could divert this additional NI contribution to a company final salary pension scheme (a DBS) and potentially get 66% of your final salary. If your company didn't run such a scheme you could divert this 2% and additional contributions from you and/or your company into a pension pot (a DCS or SIPP). Nobody who has worked from 1978 onwards should get only the basic state pension. As mentioned below, Gordon Brown introduced Dividend tax which massively curtailed the growth of pension pots. It was Gordon who is responsible for pension poverty. The 2016 legislation meant that anyone with a pension pot did not have to convert it into an annuity, which was the only option for most pension pots. You suggest that the 2016 legislation introduced the 25% tax free lump sum, but that was always possible when converting a pension pot to an annuity. Not only possible, but most common. I think you need to restudy the last 50 years.
  • @stshar900
    The personal tax allowance being frozen is going to bring pensioners into the tax paying bracket. So how is this going to help pensioners.