The Most Insane Album Covers Ever


コメント (21)
  • album covers can make people feel a wide array of emotions, for example the album cover for that one Zach fox with him holding a cigarette between his toes right next to a plate of eaten chicken makes me want to commit a felony.
  • @ThaRixer
    Viper is peak human creativity and execution when it comes to album covers
  • Pink Floyd's cover where the one guy shaking hands with the other guy who is on fire is incredible.
  • Machine Girls “…Because I’m Young Arrogant and Hate Everything You Stand For” is such a cool album cover. The arcade vintage game editing is cool and there’s more details every time I look at it
  • @dopey473
    Remember when Russel Mills literally put dead bugs, nails and his own blood on a canvas for NIN's The Downward Spiral? Every piece of art made for that album is horrific and disgusting and I love it.
  • I totally agree with the Blue Album being the best cover. There’s just something so striking about it, and the simplicity helps it be memorable.
  • I think we can actually bring the official BTI cover back now that Apple Music has animated album covers.
  • @Lokio...
    King Crimson's "In The Court Of The Crimson King" is a classic one, a horrifying yet impossible to stop looking at album cover, in my opinion it's easily one of the best album covers ever made! PD: Loved the video! <3
  • In my opinion the craziest album cover ever is the DONDA cover. It’s fucking crazyyyyyy.
  • As someone who listens to a new album everyday and who also designs some album covers, the medium is extremely close to me. Only until you try and draw your own cover can you really understand the complexity of how to organize a square and make it as interesting as you want it to be. It's kind of overwhelming and at the end of the day you really can't fit all you want to on it, so you should be selective. Since OSB was sharing, some of my favorite album covers right now are Turnstile's GLOW ON, Brand New's Deja Entendu, and Turnover's Peripheral Vision (all great albums too).
  • @ItsEds7
    I was fucking waiting for weezer and thought was safe, I’m never safe
  • Anyone who knows metal can agree that Mayhem’s “The Dawn of the Black Heart” is a fun cover.
  • @Gonz1
    Watching movies with the sound off also had a great cover. Mac albums are iconic. Also gotta love Tyler. But my fave is Wish you were here by Pink Floyd. Great video!
  • Baby Goat is an incredible album cover, don’t even remember the artist and have never hear a single song from it but it deserves a billboard spot for the album art alone
  • I love Gorillaz and I adore the plastic beach album cover. It’s so iconic and is such a calming visual to me
  • My favorite album cover must be Violator (Depeche Mode). It's simple, dark yet beautiful. Just like the album.
  • @_F2tired
    My favorite album cover has to go to Korn's debut album. The fact that you don't know the man, his intentions, or why he is standing above the girl on the swing set, it makes you wonder what is about to happen. On top of that, when the music does play, it's like the pov of the man before he leads up to that moment. With songs like 'daddy' and 'clown', It's really intriguing how the music can fit so well with the album cover.
  • cherry bomb cover got a man pissin his pants tf
  • @kc.21k
    The community posts were the perfect lead up to this video. You never disappoint OnlySmallBites 🔥