Train Your Dog to Not Lick Faces

Publicado 2014-02-25
A quick tutorial on how to train your dog to stop face licking on command, for the people in the world who don't like doggy kisses (Doggy smooches are a pet peeve for many house guests).
Post questions (and success stories!) in the comments!
Inspired by Emily Larlham (Kikopup)

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @zakgeorge
    Brilliant Lindsay! Really nice work:) Your communication is really tight and your bond is evident. Thank you for sharing what you know and promoting positive, humane  teaching!  -Zak
  • @shiruki8974
    i just noticed the black butler poster and omg i fangirled so hard. instant respect for this girl
  • @dogsexplained
    Good start! Essentially what you are doing it putting it on cue. The kissy sound prompts the behavior and the chill stops it. How about giving the dog an alternative behavior? Try a nose touch to hand. That would be incompatible with pushing her nose and tongue into your face.
  • @dorahbarker3480
    My dog Phoebe is a very Hyper dog. She is about 10-11 months old, as big as she'll get probably. She has a huge problem licking. It really isn't just the face, it's any body part accessible😂 She just licks and licks and licks. Especially the hands, goodness she loves the hands!😂
  • @fruitXpebbles
    I just rescued a German Shepherd from the shelter, named her Nina, and she is a big sweetie but after getting to know her for awhile, she drank out of the toilet (I got on to her for that) she started eating her poop one day (got on to her for that) and just does gross dog things. I respect her for the kisses but I get grossed out thinking where her mouth has been lol so I'm hoping I can teach her to give love without having to lick hahah
  • @misskatemonsterful
    I take it that once you have the behavior you've outlined down pat, you would gradually increase duration by withholding the click/treat?  Otherwise, a smart dog could build a behavior chain of lick face, "chill" cue, stop licking, click/treat, lick face, etc..  I would build toward lick face, "chill", stop licking, pause for one second, click/treat.  Rinse and repeat but pause for 2 seconds, etc. And go back to no duration and work gradually back up if he/she is unsuccessful at a certain number of seconds.  But that's just me. Is that how you did it with your dog once she had the basics down?
  • @eesa4897
    When do dogs lick I don't want the dog to lick me
  • @brittnibbable
    I have recently rescued a female German shepherd/Boxer. She knows how to sit and give paw with no problem. The major issue I am having with her (Rosie) is when I'm sitting on the couch or the floor, she gets overly excited and will get ALL in my face and licks. (I do not smack my dog in the nose like people have told me to do so.) Telling her "NO!" and pushing her away only makes her come back with more force...which ends up with her hitting me in the mouth with her muzzle causing a busted lip. I do not mind small, gentle do I quickly teach her without hitting her?
  • @dorahbarker3480
    And how do I keep her from jumping in the bed? I've never allowed her or made her get in my bed, but she does it anyways. Every morning I wake up to a big chestnut colored butt in my face😂I love her to death, I have never hit her or anything, all I do is push her away but she just comes back with more force the next time! How do I train her to stop it? -Phoebes owner
  • @SuperImJustMe123
    why on earth would I ever want to train my dog NOT to lick my face??? that's the best thing about having a dog!
  • @Areyudumb
    Makes no sense….. you ask for licks and then say chill lol what.
  • @kirab1461
    Me Corgis: LICKS ME AND DOES NOT STOP Me: trys to use this Does not work Me: dies of to much licking Rip Me died November 12, 2019 "AHHHHHH STOP LICKING M- X-x"