Divine Beast Vah Medoh (Full Theme) - Breath of the Wild (HD)

Published 2019-01-17

All Comments (21)
  • @caaaaaammy_g
    I think how often the tone of revali's SOS changes says a lot. All the other champions' signals only used 2 or 3 pitches but revali's was all over the place, like he was trying to use as many different radio frequencies as he could before windblight ganon caught up with him. He wasnt just trying to reach the other champions, he was trying to reach ANYONE who could hear him.
  • the fact the SOS doesn’t start until later shows that Revali didn’t want any help, but when it did start it was very frantic... aaAAH EMOTION
  • @AquaFire_08
    I’ve heard a lot of people saying that he was too prideful to signal for help, but do you all remember what he said to Link? “Oh, you must pardon me. You have no way of making it up to the divine beast on your own.” I believe that he was in a situation where he was damned if he signaled and damned if he didn’t. No one but a Rito could get up there. Ravioli didn’t deserve this. He really has the most sad perspective of this fight. Not only does he hear his friends and fellow champions die (minus Zelda) but he also is dead either way as no one can make it up to Vah Medoh.
  • @cocob0l0
    6:04 The music really hits differently when you take into account that by that point, Revali is the last champion standing. And he knows it. He’s heard all the other’s send out their SOS signals. He knows that there will be no one coming to rescue him. It’s already too late. Castletown had already fallen by the time Revali would have sent out his own SOS. Link had probably fallen in battle by now too. And these were probably his final thoughts as he died… knowing that they had failed.
  • @kira_nathan
    This was so sad to me. He didn’t want help, then he realized, and started aggressively calling for help.
  • This one feels lonelier. The other Champions were all leaders and/or held a lot of influence over their respective communities. Mipha mourns her lost love, the brother and father she left behind, the people she can no longer protect. Urbosa mourns the tired princess, kept from the people she once led who now have to fend for themselves. Daruk had a strong connection to Link and probably worries about him constantly, along with his brothers of death mountain left to the mercy of the volcano. But who does Revali have to think of? He isolated himself from his community to train and improve, put himself on a pedestal becoming unwittingly detached, never seemed to be close with anyone. Never allowed himself to. All he can do while waiting for Link is to pour over old regrets, replay the fight over and over in his mind trying to think of a way he could have made it out. The flaws and inconsistencies in his skill he'd failed to correct.
  • @Elite02k
    It terrifies me to know that the divine beasts actively had communication systems with each other. Meaning they could all hear each others sos signals, and the SAD signals. Revali's battle is the saddest, because he was the last to fall, and he probsbly was aware he was last man standing with no help coming.
  • @sledgen.
    I know all the comments are about the SOS, but the part where the strings start gives me goosebumps it's so good
  • @VelvetWCUE
    The fact that the sos gets so frantic when he finally decides to call for help despite his pride is just- I want to cry
  • I know that everyone else is saying that Revali was too overconfident to trigger the SOS at the start, but I think that he knows when he can't win a fight, and will reluctantly send out the SOS. But he saw that all the other DBs were also using the SOS so he held off on using it until he had to.
  • I made this observation a while back-- with the SOS signals, there's also a SAD (seek and destroy) signal playing in tandem. The further along the first sequence of the soundtrack gets, the closer together the signals become, as if they're battling. It gets to a point where the SAD signal starts before the SOS can even finish, until eventually SOS is phased out completely. Enter the orchestral sequence-- it's like it leaves you feeling "What happened to Revali?" That depressing, onsetting idea that the proudest champion was slain settles in, but the music is still anticipatory enough that it kinda leaves you in suspsense. It just sounds like an eternal build-up of not knowing whether or not one of your closest brothers in arms is alive. God, only Nintendo music can get people to come up with theories like this based on a soundtrack. Edit: AND. The bell tolls in the orchestral sequence. It sounds so grave... I just-- I can't with this.
  • I love the fact that all the themes aren’t as intense at this one. By far this will always be my favorite, this takes the cake. It’s so eerily and sudden making it more serious and fast like Revali
  • all this talk about SOS signals and flatlines and i'm over here admiring how the orchestral section at 1:16 is just the battle theme from Ocarina of Time slowed down to a graceful crawl.
  • Revali is just amazing. His theme and even Vah Medohs theme really reflect his character. Everybody has pointed out that the S.O.S doesnt start until later and how its very frantic but lets not forget that Revali himself said there was no way for Link to get to the divine beast on his own. Its just sad to know that Revali waited the longest to call for S.O.S and even when he did knew that nobody that could help him could even reach him on Vah Medoh. Revali is my favorite character in the game!
  • @stevbrh
    The fact the sos signal still went on for 100 years after the calamity saddens me so much more for some reason
  • If you listen to it with headphones on, you'll hear the SOS in your right ear, and SAD (morse code for Search And Destroy) in your left. I've noticed all the Champions' Divine Beast songs are this way—a call for help in one ear, and a call to attack in the other. And they start overlapping as if fighting against one another—like the Blights fighting the Champions.
  • @saltedsins
    Oh geez, I just noticed how much more frequent the SOS call is on this one, too.
  • @caitlin3167
    People have probably already noticed but for anyone who didn't there's a theory that the booming piano in all of the themes are when and how tragically they were struck , for example urbosas is far more intense because she had the most tragic death. P.s later in this track it's so like slow and sad just showing how desperate revali was :'(