Homelessness in Leeds | EVOLOVE

Homelessness is a growing problem across the UK and in many other parts of the world. Despite this being a pressing issue, many people do not understand why this problem still exists in the modern world.

In order to gain a better understanding of homelessness in my home county of West Yorkshire, I interviewed 4 homeless people in Leeds asking them about their homelessness story, day-to-day lives, and hopes for the future.

I would like to thank all 4 interviewees for their cooperation and willingness to share. My hope is that this video will help to broaden people's understanding of homelessness in the UK.

コメント (21)
  • I slept rough in the North East for a year when I was 16 after being thrown out of the house by my new step mam.Sleeping rough through a north east winter is rough and I ended up in hospital with pneumonia and a collapsed lung.A relative took me into her already crowded home and gave me the love I'd never had at home.Being homeless makes you invisible to the authorities other than the police who are only too happy to harass you.
  • @Set-ri6rs
    "you will own nothing and you will be happy" but a mere taste of what's coming.
  • @Thirdfish
    Heartbreaking. All these people need is a chance of a fresh start.
  • I was in Leeds yesterday, having not been in for a while, and was totally shocked to see how many people were sleeping rough. Very, very sad.
  • Awww the blond haired lad in the wheel chair with the hospital tag on I knew him personally when he was a smart young healthy lad around 2001/2002 so sad to watch his decline I see him now again round town so sad x I don't judge him though because I ain't perfect....
  • It's so sad 5hat u r homeless and your Gov is letter people stay in hotels with 3 meals what a sin
  • @user-zo6mh8gn3f
    I'm crying watching this, me and my wife are facing homeless, all we have each other 😢
  • @AA-be9rn
    The Country is realy upside down to far to go bk.
  • Im to used to living here I'll die here very sad I hope he's at peace now 👍
  • I've been to Leeds lots and recognised some of these
  • Makes me so sad..Struggled myself for over 30 years with drugs..Did 2 weeks sleeping rough in Leeds sept 2023..I,m clean today and hoping to get into Growing rooms Rehab..I hope and pray everyone who’s homeless gets the help they need 😢
  • Not sure I’m convinced by the couple saying that because of covid it fucked up their situation. The only people who didn’t get any assistance during C19 was people who were working and paying their bills. Everyone else got money thrown at them. Note: I believe passionately that homelessness is a tragedy. I just don’t buy every single story.
  • These are the people the government should help, like macari centres, they could be you........
  • Drug addiction and alcoholism are to blame for everything, an endless terrible cycle. Only they can help themselves. Even if society makes every effort, nothing will change if a person does not want to fix the situation himself. And he can't because of very great dependence or weak will.
  • I was on the streets of Leeds when I was 15-17 on an off I was addicted to heroin an it was the most terrifying time of my life, I’ve been clean since 27-8-03 the krypt was a life saver for me at times, but what he says is right you soon over stay your welcome with friends etc,