The Depressing Downfall of Titanfall....

Published 2024-01-06

All Comments (21)
  • @user-zn1mm6wh8b
    As a member of the titanfall community I was astonished at this because I thought that the game died out but now I have more hope.
  • @FrederickGuese
    I worked on Titanfall 2 at the QA deaprtment. It was one of the few games I actually enjoyed playing off time.
  • @jk-bp4gr
    Nwxt time you play attrition, remember you can use your data knife to hack enemy specters. When you hack one, it hacls the whole group and when they get kills it adds to your score!
  • @zhappybanana
    4:18 did my man just say "learn from there mistakes", I have never heard a game company do that before.
  • @poupcha6752
    the thing that really crushes any hope of titanfall 3 for me is knowing that a lot of key members of respawn aren't even there anymore and have made their own studio called wildlight entertainment
  • @ContraGrain
    I will never forget getting to go to EA Play 2016, my dad took me. And 16 year old me was mind blown by this game. Getting to play the demo and being just in awe at how they made it better. And getting to meet Vince and the team not even a few minutes later? (Keep in mind a big portion of the Respawn team were still riding the Modern Warfare legacy these people were legends for kids my age). Legendary. I have a fully signed physical copy of TF1 that they signed at the event. I hope someday we get TF3 but who knows. And honestly by the time it comes out who knows if I’ll be gaming as much anyways. Turning 24 this year and focusing on graduating from grad school. Cheers pilots we’ve had a good run, someday we’ll drop again.
  • @lordlumpus75
    I desperately want to have hope that we'll get a new game, but after the "titanfall legends" fiasco and Apex's current state (abysmal balance team, monetization ($360 melee weapon skin!?)) my hopes are slowly withering away. EA and Respawn seem to only care about a bottom line. Quality has gone out the window, and the original team who made the games left a long time ago.
  • Funny how in the trailer a Titan randomly shoots off a traffic sign when in reality, everyone who ever played a Titanfall game knows what kind of impassable bastions those represent to your 7 meter tall war machine... almost as feared as Beelzebarrier, the unconquerable ankle-high wall of despair!
  • @FonuhYT
    It's strange how every game made on some type of source engine never gets an actual third game, but only a spinoff.
  • @montypython5521
    The maps of Titanfall 1 that were part of the campaign are the best maps in both Titanfall games. I actually disliked when they made the DLC maps free and put them in the standard matchmaking playlist because I didn't want to play most them. Titanfall 2 had some cool stuff but overall I like the original more. How many of the people that made the original Titanfall are even at respawn anymore? I'm actually not hopeful for a Titanfall 3, I doubt it'll have many of the things I like about Titanfall and it'll definitely be tainted by apex.
  • Don’t forget about the mobile game. It was very sadly short lived but it existed.
  • @hanhi6703
    Nice video, felt like you put a lot of effort into it :)
  • @jesusvera7941
    something that makes me stop playing titanfall each time are premade groups, when you see the multiperson/horn icon or the shared custom network on the scoreboard you know no matter how hard you try you will end up losing by a wide margin, you will slowly start to stop trying, then to stop playing by quitting and then each time you find a game you will fear that group icon because it means you dont get to play this time. If you dont belive me play solo and, if you perform good enough, will see how bad it gets.
  • @FrederickGuese
    If 3 actually exists it won't be the same most of that team left either went back to IW, made new companies, or went to other companies. I also think they'd probably ditch source2 and go with a different engine.
  • @TheBrickSquad11
    I literally seen a comment on a video about titanfall 3 and it pretty much just said they would never make titanfall 3 because the first 2 were trash and that's why they both failed. Dude lost his mind
  • @l3gend576
    It’s actually insane how the downsides of titanfall 1 were all shit we are fine with today cod is $75 and every game has a battle pass with content you want/need to enjoy the game
  • @ShmarveyXD
    For the first 3 seaons I enjoyed Apex Legends too, but the game slowly distanced itself from Titanfall, and now it feels like Respawn uses Titanfall as cheap nostalgia bait
  • @certifiednolife
    ive only played titanfall 2 recently because it was five dollars for the disk at a collectibles store and it has by far one the most fun campaigns ive ever played even if the multipayer might not be perfect i will still always return to that campaign whenever i want a fast paced linear shooter experience with a great emotional story and can we mention how fucking funny it is that respawn is always gaslighting the ever living crap out of their fans?
  • @nerdcuddles7731
    The issue was that Respawn gave up on the franchise to early and blamed everything on what made the game good.
  • @Nitroh-
    With how big Apex has become I'm suprised Respawn haven't made Titanfall 3, would have a proper community the game would appeal to straight away. I enjoyed TF back in late 2014 when the jetpack FPS games were all the rage, Cod AW, Destiny, Titanfall.. Such a fun time.. I skipped Titanfall 2 for years, then in 2019 picked it up on PS4 and felt that nostalgia I had in 2014, then again I started playing the Northstar client on PC. Such an underrated series.